Christmas carol medley. T4

Started by Hammond Yamaha, Nov 25, 2019, 05:00 PM

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Hammond Yamaha

I would like to arrange a Carol medley of about 6-8 single verses from different Carols with different Styles etc.
I want to be able to do this as a single performance, transitioning from one verse to another verse etc til the medley is finished.  Is there a way to do this and if so how?  If in a registration, how can I flow from one medley to another?

May be a little off the beaten track but I want to try it.


Hammond Yamaha

Well, I had a brain storm today and now I have a Registration set up with 8 different 4part styles each and ready to go with 8 different segments of a medley of Christmas Carols. Starting with O come All Ye Faithful and ending with O Holy Night.  Now I need to practice.


Hi Frank,
That's great that you were able to have a "brainstorm" for a registration on a Christmas Carol medley.
Any chance you could share the registration set up with those interested ?
I would love to give it a try.



Hammond Yamaha

the Registration is based on user style files that I have in the tyros4 user folder.  Will the registration work if the files are not in another tyros?  I am not sure.
Here is how it is done.
Set up a registration file. Name it something like Chris Medley
Chose a style file that will work with a carol you want to start with set it up and save in reg 1
Chose another style to work with a second carol and set it up with an intro.  Save that to reg 2.
Continue on through to reg 8 making sure you set an intro for each one as that eases the transition from one carol to another.  I start with O Come All Ye Faithful as reg 1 and have OHoly Night as reg 8.
Sing one verse of each of the 8 carols you have selected.
When transitioning from say carol/reg 1 to 2, bring the volume pedal all the way back for the keyboard part being played to no volume and when you press file 2, watch the style intro lights and change the key with the left / lower part of the keyboard with volume still at 0..  when The intro is finished, bring volume up to playing level.

I am practicing with what I created as I have to perform in a church event on Dec 15.  This is the first time for me to try something like this and I hope I can perfect it.

This was my Brain storm.  I hope it is of benefit to all who wish to give it a try.
I hope you understand what I have tried to explain as to how to do this.
I am delighted that I may have been able to contribute this to this wonderful group
