On the fly controlling av the bass-line?

Started by MarcusAhlback, Apr 23, 2018, 02:06 PM

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Quite often a bass-line plays the root-tone on beat one and then some kind og "line" on the other beats.
Occasionally I found myself wishing that I could tell the bass-player, "Hey, let's just stick to the root-tone for a while now".
Is there a way of doing that? And now I'm not meaning to build styles or regestrations, but more if there are ways of how you place your chords that can control this.

Kind regards Marcus
Yamaha PSR-S770
Casio PX5-s


The style is playing the bass pattern for the currently selected section. Even though you don't want to hear it ... the best answer really is to create a modified version of the style with the bass pattern you want. It's probably a lot easier to do that than you think.

A possible alternative would be to switch off the bass part and play the bass line yourself with R1. Of course that only works if you're not trying to play a melody at the same time.


To make a style with a simple repeated root bass is very simple, and in fact if you can find any style that has that you can easily copy that line into any style. But you will have to rename and save he style to the user area.
But having said that there are not many situations where a bass line that simple would sound ok. The only ones I can think of is some driving rock beats that hit the root on every beat, or very light ballads where the bass is only used on the first beat of the bar. You could have it on the 1st and 3rd beats in a simple bass line,  but most often the bass note on the 3rd beat would be the 5th or 3rd rather than the root.


Thank you Derek and Mike!
Guess I then just have to get myself together and create some styles.
Kind regards Marcus
Yamaha PSR-S770
Casio PX5-s