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auditioning styles and where to0 go with them + mp3 and midi demos

Started by rattley, Apr 15, 2018, 05:57 AM

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How does one audition styles?   I miss the repertoire function on Genos and am left to my own device to determine song selections for a particular style.
I posted a midi and mp3 of a song I had in my head. I'm sure I am missing entire verses but I had fun recording them.  I'm hoping someone takes the midi file and improves on it.  Anyway.......Enjoy!!     -charley

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Charlie, when you are a bit off kilter, like me, every time I hear a style a song just comes into my head. That's how I created those gig disks many years ago.

Gary 8)
Love Those Yammies...


Thanks Gary!!  I haven't created a gig disk in years.  Maybe this Genos is the key to create some.  I never loved a keyboard more.  Some times I cant believe it's me making so much beautiful  music.  -charley