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Registrations in alphabetical order Tytos 4 ?

Started by musicalmemoriesuk, Apr 11, 2018, 02:00 PM

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How do you sort registrations into alphabetical order ?


You can either use ABC etc as the first letter of the Registration or use 01 02,03 etc.


I started with 01 but when I got to 99 the 100 was put in after the 10. Solution - start with 001 OR name your registrations starting with AA as Eileen suggests.
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Regards, Den.
Love knitting dolls


Registration banks in any given folder will always be sorted and listed in alphabetical order, based on their filename.

There is no need to add anything to the names of them unless you want to order them in a specific, non alphabetical manner!

If you add a new bank it will automatically be inserted in alphabetical order.

If you use the one song per bank method and name the bank with the name of the song, you will be able to easily find a specific one in the list, especially if you use the alternate 'List View' available on Tyros models.

The same applies to any other types of files (styles, voices etc), on the User, HDD or USB drives.

It is only files on the Preset drive that Yamaha inexplicably insists upon listing in a stupid, non logical order!




Thanks Ian, I got up early this morning realising that is exactly what to do. What is the List View on the T4? Not come across that yet.
The voices, styles etc have a Yamaha number which is generated to confuse everyone. It can be turned on to be displayed in the main screen but is totally useless to anyone.  ;D Regards, Den.
Love knitting dolls


Hi Den,

The 'List view' on Tyros is an alternative way of viewing the list of files in a selection screen.

You can use and access this from most file selection screens by pressing 'VIEW' (upper 7) button at the bottom of the screen.  Each press toggles between the 'Normal view' and the 'List view'.

Instead of the usual 10 items per page 'Normal view', it displays all the relevant items in a folder as a continuous list, one line per item.

There are buttons on the right hand side of the display that enable you to move up or down the list one page (15 items) at a time, or go directly to the top or bottom of the list.  You can also use the Data wheel to move through a list and select an item with the 'Enter' button. 

List view also numbers each line in the list and you can enter a number to move to a specific line directly, assuming that you know it. However since the line numbers are not fixed for a given item, when you add a new item, it will be positioned alphabetically in the list,  but the line numbers for those items below the newly added one will change.  So unless you never change the items in a folder, you are unlikely to know the line number of a specific item unless you have a photographic memory! 

I tend to use both types of view, but what irritates me about the 'Normal View' is the inconsistent use of the buttons for moving from page to  page on different selection screens.  The Style selection screen only uses buttons 1 to 3 because the display needs buttons 4 to 8 for other functions (one of which is 'VIEW' of course!).  However other types need fewer buttons for other functions, so Yamaha uses all of the remaining ones for pages, presumably thinking that this makes efficient use of the space in the display.

However I think that it would be so much easier if all selection screens used the same buttons for pages, ideally like the 'Style' screen which uses just 3 buttons. 1 button for '1 or Prev', a second for 'n(page number)', and the third for 'n or Next'. Then you don't have to concern yourself with which screen you are using in order to access pages because you always press the first button to move back from the current page, or the third to move forward.   On screens other than 'Style' this would actually increase the number of button presses needed to access a page higher than page 3 than the current implementation, but I suspect that it would still be be quicker to carry out these extra presses, than to have to think about and check which button you need to press!

You can read about 'List View' and how to use it on page 26 of the 'Tyros4 Owner's Manual'.




Hello , Thanks for the reply. I often use the View button, did not know it was called the List View as well. Regards, Den.
ps On the S770 it is INFO, good button but not much use. D.
Love knitting dolls


Maybe I should be using the list view as some of the buttons on my screen are a bit dodgy


Quote from: musicalmemoriesuk on Apr 23, 2018, 12:13 PM
Maybe I should be using the list view as some of the buttons on my screen are a bit dodgy

In 'Normal view', as well as using the A-H buttons to select an item in a selection screen, you can also use the Data Wheel to scroll through the items listed.  When you reach the end of a page it will automatically switch to the next.

Once the red cursor box is on the file or folder that you want to select, press 'Enter' to select and load it.

