Midifiles. How to modify them????

Started by Ullo, Apr 09, 2018, 07:29 AM

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Hello everyone. I'm a little bit confused with my new Genos. I would like to modify my Midifiles but I do not understand how to do it. I load the Midifile but I do not know how to change the events (note, program change, velocity controls). But is not it possible with such a machine? I did it with the old Korg 01FWD. Possible that an advanced machine like this can not be? ? Thanks to those who can help me. I'm very confused


Thanks a lot for the answer. I read the tutorial. It is very interesting and clear but does not specify the use of an editor on Genos. Unfortunately, as usual, companies do not provide complete manuals of step by step tutorials on how to do certain operations. I use Cubase to edit and create my midifile but having a Genos I would use only her. In addition, the Live Control Slides allow real-time editing only up to track 10. How to modify the other tracks? What a mess! I hope I was not wrong to buy a Genos, I would not regret not having taken a PA4X
Thank you for your kindness in answering me


I'm sure someone here will guide you
Download all the manuals, there are 3
User - Reference - Data
Save the manuals somewhere with a good search engine
I save mine to 'Notability'
Do a search in the manuals for 'midi tracks'

Maybe you will get lucky on utube
That's where I look if need some more info.

If your into Midi to Styles then you really should have gone with Korg
Yamaha does not want use to make styles, they want us buy their styles
Conflict of interest between Yamaha Arranger Section and Yamaha Musicsoft
It's unlikely that we will ever see a real sequencer or a style maker/editor



Thanks Pino. I've already done everything. Download, Youtube... but the doubts remain. I will try to solve and I will be able to inform the forum trying to be useful to others.


Select Song record and then choose Multi Track. Now load in your midi file so that the title is showing at the top of the screen. Now Select Step Edit. At the top left of the page you will see Ch 1.Tap this and select the track you want to work on. Now you will see all the events and can change them. When you have made all your changes then ReSave the file.


Good spot Eileen. Thanks a lot! That's the right way.