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How do i deal with this little problem?

Started by tyrosguy85, Jul 20, 2018, 01:32 PM

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Dear all,
I have a little issue which I hope some other gigging musicians might be able to advise me with.
I run a weekly social dance event in a local venue. I generally get a good crowd but recently things have changed slightly.
There is a couple of dancers who have been supporting me for some time, They decided to run a dance at this venue on a alternative night to mine, The problem I have with them is that occasionally at my dance, one of the couple has been seen going around giving out flyers advertising their dances.I don't want to upset them or cause a scene, But I don't think that they should be using my evening to help their own business, Any ideas?
Cheers John.

Craig Schiller



"A rising tide lifts all boats."  If dancing is becoming more popular in your area it will probably benefit your night, too.  And if this couple find they need music they are likely to turn to someone they know, like you, as long as you are on good terms.  I think your long-term interests will be best served if you are supportive or at least not adversarial.

It don't mean a thing...


I think J may be right. Best to embrace it maybe. Ask them if they will promote you at theirs? Test the water.

'A rising tide lifts all boats' .... Great one. 👍👌😊

😊  I started out with nothing .. and I've got most of it left!  😊

🎹 Tyros 5-76,  now the brilliant Genos 🎹
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