Yamaha PSR S Factory demo songs in midi

Started by rodrigo.b, Aug 08, 2017, 05:35 PM

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Good afternoon, I love all the Factory demo songs on Yamaha Keyboards, and I would like to have on my PSR S970 the factory demo songs from other keyboards, like the PSR S700, S900, S910, etc. I had searched on Yamaha MusicSoft and also on other pages, but I hadn't found the midi version of that demos songs. Can anybody please tell me where I can buy those PSR S factory demo songs in midi format so I can play them on the PSR S970. Thanks!


Most models have their demo songs stored internally-- in ROM, I presume-- and there's no way to play the songs and output the MIDI over the MIDI or USB-MIDI ports for recording purposes, due to things like copyright considerations. But in a few cases a model may have some of its demo songs on a DVD that's included with the keyboard, or downloa'sdable from Yamaha web site, presumably so the ROM space can be used for something else.


Now I only have the PSR E423 demos on my S970. Do you know if the PSR E433 demo songs are locked too? I want a song called "GlobePop", it is the second demo of the Keyboard.