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Using a registration only for Fill in and breaks

Started by anandmaloo, Mar 30, 2018, 09:39 AM

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Is it possible to get a registration specially made to be used only for getting a break or fill in.   I will explain my question, a bit in detail -

I have imported a lot of indian tabla sounds through YEM (rex files)   I use them mostly as multipads and add them to the main style while playing.  No problem in the main style part.

However, when I want a fill in or a break in style wile playing, I want another multipad (that of Indian tabla Fill in sound) to be played and to revert back to the previous multipad of main style to be played once again after the fill-in multipad is done playing along with the style fill in.

I do have an option of creating styles from the imported RX2 fills and add the required loops in the fill-in section, but that takes away the liberty to add any multipad to any onboard style that I want to.




This can't be done the way you want it because once you have picked a multi pad it has to be cancelled before you can play another one so must be done by hand.


Hi Anand

I must say I am totally lost when listening to Indian music and its patterns. I play my music by ear and it is pretty much USA country music.

But what I have found with the Yamaha styles, is that the RIFFS (for the most part) used in the Multi-Pads are also in the Yamaha styles. What I have being doing for years now, is to always FIND the Riffs in one of the styles, then "copy and paste" it into the style and eliminate using the the PADS all together. It makes it much easier to do a live performance when you have everything set up in the actual style.

Perhaps this idea will get what you are needing set up with your style.
