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Key of MP3’s

Started by jm, Mar 20, 2018, 02:53 PM

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Hi Folks, does anyone know of a good app for the iPad, that can be relatively
accurate in analysing the key of MP3's? I realise most of you would find this easy enough
to do by playing the keyboard. However I am not blessed with a good ear, consequently I can waste
A lot of time trying to figure it out >:( . I know a lot of people who play along with MP3's. (I have always played with Styles), but thought I might try it out & see if I like it?
Kind regards


HI Jim
I use Audacity on my laptop, I dont know if there is an iPad version yet, its a free download music editing software, lets you change keys and many other parameters. It is a really good programme and no advertising. Eric


If you've got a Tyros 5 or Genos, Yamaha have a free iOS app 'ChordTracker' for the iPad (and iPhone).

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The app can analyse a song in your music library on your iPad - transferred via iTunes - and display its chords. You can then choose to send that data to your keyboard and it will load the chords as a Song (MIDI song). You can choose a style at the point of transfer or later when its loaded. The upshot is, you've got the right chords and the key and you can play along with it via the 'Song' function.

If you've not got a Tyros 5 or Genos, you could try the 'Chordify' app from the Apple app store. The free version will give you accurate chords for any song in their database (apparently over 4.5m songs) and from that you'll be able to work out the key. The app offers a lot more than that but you might have to pay for some of the extras.

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Amazing stuff!

Clavinova CVP-909, DGX-670


Thank you very much Keynote & Frozzers for you quick response  :D .
I will give them a try, I have Chord Tracker, but for some silly reason didn't
think to try it?! Ahhh! Such are the joys of getting old 🙄.
Have a great day!
Kind regards