Reggae on the Yamaha PSR !

Started by CJ4ever, Feb 23, 2018, 01:26 AM

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Hi all,

I will NOT forget how thankful I am for info and tips on this website/forum from fellow members :-)

As I am getting more and more into PSR (not new to keys, but newer to arranger keyboards) I keep learning, also to make my own styles.

I want to share my joy of creating Bob Marley reggae styles.   (I used to play keys in a reggae-band also)

Here is my short video on Youtube:



Nice styles Cj!  :)
A style made in one model can also be used in other models also.
It may need some revoicing but works just fine.
If you like to share a style you can attach it here or in the style section.

(see Attachments and other options if your reply)
Covers on Youtube (live playing)
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