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Wireless Lan volume control

Started by elvisfigredo, Mar 12, 2018, 02:10 AM

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Hello again everybody, Here I am again with another question. Has anyone noticed the volume control for the wireless Lan in the mixer settings in panel 2 tab? Can anyone tell me how to use it and what are its limitations? I have looked in the owners manual and reference manual but cant find anywhere a description or function of the said volume control. It looks like one could stream audio over wireless Lan. But how do you do it?
Thanks again guys for your great replies. What would we do without this forum?
Cheers from Down Under
Elvis J Figredo


Oops! Forgot to mention its the Genos I'm talking about. Version 1.20.
Thanks. Anyone?



we also noticed that mixer position, when the reference manual came out. But I think, we have not found out for what it is.

Yamaha Genos
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