Style progression issues within a registration bank

Started by chirp, Mar 04, 2018, 06:54 PM

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When using a style in the free-play or ethereal group, I have noticed that I have an issue with the style change triggering when changing to a different registration. To be more specific, I have ethereal movie style used in a bank of registrations for one particular song. As I work through the bank of registrations during the course of this song, I use the progression of the style A,B,C,D corresponding to Registration 1,2,3,4 etc. When I save the new style progression(B,C,D) in the registration bank(2,3,4) I load the sync start with it as well. I have noticed that sometimes, especially, when moving from style C to style D in the corresponding registrations of 5 and 6 that it will not trigger the D variation loaded in registration 6. What can I do to rectify this issue?

Fred Smith

Quote from: chirp on Mar 04, 2018, 06:54 PM
When using a style in the free-play or ethereal group, I have noticed that I have an issue with the style change triggering when changing to a different registration. To be more specific, I have ethereal movie style used in a bank of registrations for one particular song. As I work through the bank of registrations during the course of this song, I use the progression of the style A,B,C,D corresponding to Registration 1,2,3,4 etc. When I save the new style progression(B,C,D) in the registration bank(2,3,4) I load the sync start with it as well. I have noticed that sometimes, especially, when moving from style C to style D in the corresponding registrations of 5 and 6 that it will not trigger the D variation loaded in registration 6. What can I do to rectify this issue?

Post the registration so we can take a look at it.

Fred Smith,
Saskatoon, SK
Sun Lakes, AZ
Genos, Bose L1 compacts, Finale 2015
Check out my Registration Lessons


Sorry I haven't responded sooner but I was having a problem with posting on the website. I kept getting the message that the message  box was empty and it wasn't. At any rate, I am not sure how you would like me to post the settings. By writing them down or by a photo of the display. Let me know
Thank you for your response