Still no acces to user styles in Song Record>Multi Record>Step Edit>Target

Started by Wim NL, Mar 03, 2018, 10:06 AM

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Wim NL

With update 1.20
Still no acces to user styles in Song Record>Multi Record>Step Edit>Target

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Best Regards,

Atlanta Tom

This is a big negative for me.  I hope Yamaha is working on changing this soon.  It makes no sense to me that this isn't available (it was in the previous Tyros models) because I believe that users who create their own styles are probably also experimenting with different chord progressions, substitutions etc. (that's how I work) and the quickest and easiest way is in the step edit chord window.



Atlanta Tom

Eileen it is still not working.  Also after I made my post I installed my first expansion pack and discovered those can't be step edited either.  I hope this is fixed quickly. 


More trouble!
Try to lower the volume via Dynamics Boost / Cut. See pages 19-20 in genos_en_rm_d0.pdf
There it says Dynamics is going to be for the whole style but it does not work.
You can take A, B, C, D, individually, then you will not get to Fill and Break or so.
This feature works in Tyros for the full style directly but not in Genos.

Greetings Pierre
YAMAHA Genos 2, YAMAHA MFC10, Bose L1 II-pa,Mixer T1 ToneMatch, ZUM STEEL.

Wim NL

QuoteWe are up to 1.30 update now. Does it still not work.

Correct, still not working with 1.30 update.

I can not upgrade about 400 of my songs now with Genos.
And I can not create songs in this way with modified styles.
Its very frustrating now for a long time.
I wonder I have to wait until the next Genos2.

Best Regards,

Wim NL

With update 1.40
Still no acces to user styles in Song Record>Multi Record>Step Edit>Target
Best Regards,


I wounder why this is not possible. It doesn't seem too difficult to implement with a software update.

I am working with a song that using different time signatures and I thought I could just modify the style that I am using and create two copies of the preset style with the time signatures I need to use ans save those as user styles. Fnding out about this limitation, makes it impossible.

I really hope Yamaha implement this feature in a future upgrade.

Welcome to Yamaha Beats. Genos and MODX covers on YouTube.


I hope that Yamaha adds this improvement to the next update. I have some USER styles (developed on S950) that I want to use in chord step edit. Really surprised that this feature didn't make it into the original Genos...

All the best -- pj

Joe H

An easy solution is to buy a copy of StyleMagic (it's supports the Genos).  You will be glad you did.  Editing a style is soooo easy with the Voice Editor and Drum Editor. And you will have access to the Alternate channels 1 - 8.  In the Mixing Console you can change Octave, adjust Volume, Pan, Reverb, Chorus, DSP1 and Insert DSPs on any style Part in seconds. Even adjust over-all Volume for all Parts. In the multieditor (Piano Roll) you can do a whole bunch of editing and quantizing, add Filter and Pan Sweeps, Sidechain effect, etc. Then there is the CASM Editor, Channels Manager (swap Parts around) and Section Manager (lets swap Sections around, and save/load an entire Section to/from disk).

And rumor has it that there will be a powerful new feature on the next StyleMagic update (which is always FREE).

Joe H
Music is the Universal Language!

My Article: Using Multi Pads in registrations. Download Regs, Styles & MPs:


I will second that, what Joe H said, I am a heavy user of 'StyleMagic'.
Just to be able to delete intros and endings and move, copy or delete the style sections ABCD makes it worth's the purchase price alone and that's just a small part of the app.



Quote from: Joe H on Sep 08, 2019, 10:35 PM
An easy solution is to buy a copy of StyleMagic (it's supports the Genos).  You will be glad you did.  Editing a style is soooo easy with the Voice Editor and Drum Editor. And you will have access to the Alternate channels 1 - 8.  In the Mixing Console you can change Octave, adjust Volume, Pan, Reverb, Chorus, DSP1 and Insert DSPs on any style Part in seconds. Even adjust over-all Volume for all Parts. In the multieditor (Piano Roll) you can do a whole bunch of editing and quantizing, add Filter and Pan Sweeps, Sidechain effect, etc. Then there is the CASM Editor, Channels Manager (swap Parts around) and Section Manager (lets swap Sections around, and save/load an entire Section to/from disk).

And rumor has it that there will be a powerful new feature on the next StyleMagic update (which is always FREE).

Joe H

It seems like a nice peace of software and I will check it out. However, I guess this still would not solve the original issue that Genos prevent us to access user styles in chord step edit. Or am I missing something?
Welcome to Yamaha Beats. Genos and MODX covers on YouTube.


A Work-around.

Step record with user styles works fine with the PSR, the step record is ok for short runs but gets a bit messy with longer songs. Nothing has changed here for the past 15 to 20 years. I don't know what's up with Yamaha, they seem to concentrate more on cosmetics, now we have the SX900,
"an old sheep with Lambs clothing,"

Best way to make a backing track
Set up the keyboard,user style etc, change the tempo at this stage,  maybe from 80 to 40bpm

Or Reduce the tempo to what is comfortable for you to play the chords with your left hand on the beat and change the variations/fills with your right hand as you go through the song.
Start recording
When finish the rec, Turn the tempo up for a pre-listen
If your happy go to Song Creator/ Sys-ex, change the tempo there to the original and save

Maybe takes a few shots to get used to it but certainly saves time on SC - Step Record.



I have to agree that it is much better to record the chords this way and then you can use any style you want. Far better than step record which I don't think many people use.