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Icons Missing

Started by jm, Feb 20, 2018, 09:49 AM

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Help Please! I know it is obviously something I have unwittingly managed to do >:(
But I still have no "Say Thanks" or "Like" Icon(s)? I have tried to find this in my profile,
To reinstate them. But I seem to be going from bad to worse😕.
I really would appreciate it if some nice person could fix this for me, or give step by step
Instructions. Sorry to be such a pain!
Kind regards

Roger Brenizer

There are no settings for you to manipulate in your profile, for the "Like" and "Say Thanks" buttons, Janton.  :(

Try using a different browser.  :)
"Music Is My Life"
My best regards,

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Thank you Roger, I'm not really sure why it's happened then? They were there, and I'm
Using the same browser as always (Safari).  Many thanks for your quick response and your
advice, I will give it a try.
Have a great day🙂
Kind regards



Hi Roger, well I have just tried another Browser (Google Chrome).
Unfortunately it hasn't worked! 😳😳😥.
But thank you for taking the time to respond.
Kind regards


Hi Jm,
We can see them under your picture.
Everything looks fine

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Roger Brenizer

I don't believe Janton is referring to the number of Likes or Thanks she has received, Panos.  I believe she means that the Like and Say Thanks buttons aren't available for her to use to Like or Thank another member's post.  :)
"Music Is My Life"
My best regards,

Got questions about the PSR Tutorial Forum? Reach out to us!


jm, just to be sure you aren't talking about your own posts, the "Like" and "Say Thanks" options do not appear on one's own posts, only on posts by other people. Thus, you can like or thank other people's posts, but not your own; and someone else can like or thank your posts, but not their own.


Well Thank you, Roger, Panos and SeaGtGruff.  I feel really stupid for wasting
your time😏.  Must have been a MEGA senior moment 🤔. I thought I would and did see the icons in question. Obviously that was never the case and it now makes perfectly good sense!!!! I really appreciate your patience and wisdom!
What's that saying?  " There's no fool like an old fool"🤪.
Thank you all again!
Kind regards



jm, you aren't the first person who's had this question, so don't feel foolish-- you're in good company! ;)


You wellcome my friend  :)
No question is foolish and to rephrase your motο:
"There is no fool like the man who believes he knows everything"
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