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How to change volume of MIDI song.

Started by sugarplumsss, Feb 21, 2018, 10:59 PM

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It appears like one has to individually alter ever single MIDI note within the 16 parts.. a painstaking process.

I simply wanted to attenuate ( lower the volume ) one single part. It is a bit forward in the mix. Is there an easier way?

If software is involved, I use Mac.. but own, and never use a PC laptop that is still on Windows 7!

I may have asked this question years back, if so, please excuse my recall.
I use T4 as a drum machine. Playing my own acmp and bass. MIDI songs are my latest interest. If anyone wishes to share knowledge on MIDI songs let me know.


a) Do you want to change the volume of some notes of a midi channel
e.g at Bar 35 you played too loud some notes and want to lower the volume there.
b) Do you want to lower the voice of an entire midi channel?
e.g. lower the voice of the track 3 (which is the right 2 voice)

for a) you got to go to song creator to tab 1-16,
press F to select the channel you want,
naviigate down to see the notes you want to lower
and lower the volume of each note individualy 

for b)
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There are a number of topics dealing with volume adjustment in the PSR FAQ including this one:

C.9.       How to change voices, volumes, etc in a recorded midi song

The following is true for Midi Type 0 songs only. Midi Type 1 files (commercial files are often of this type) will load and play, but cannot be edited. You must convert the midi to type 0 first. One easy way of doing this is to load the midi and then, in Song Creator, save it to a new file name. The load the saved file.

The Mixing Console can be used to change voices, effects etc of a midi file that is loaded (via depressing the Song button and then selecting a song) for playback, but it does not store any of these changes in the song itself.

To do that, you have to open the song in Song Creator (load for playback then Digital Recording/Song Creator), depress Next to the Channel Tab, and button B to the fifth item, Setup. There you will see a list of items that can be recorded to the beginning of the song when you depress the Execute button that is shown on the screen.

First, make sure that Voices, effects, etc are all checked, and then, while still in Song Creator, depress the Mixing Console button and make your changes.

Depress TOP in the Song control area to ensure that the midi is at the beginning, or forward/reverse to a location where you want the changes to take effect.

Then use the Exit button to 'back out' of Mixing Console and return to Song Creator. Now depress the Execute button, and it should tell you that it is recording your changes.

Depress Save to save the edited song.   


Michael P. Bedesem
Tyros 5


Thanks to Panos and Michael B, for offering help.

I want to ( Panos, I guess that refers to "b" in the 2 options you asked me about ) lower the overall volume of a particular voice ( when I say "voice" does that simultaneously mean "CHANNEL"? )   . eg a guitar solo, is too loud for the ambience I am hoping for; so I would want to lower the overall volume of the WHOLE track, or channel.. not just a few notes here and there... I am guessing!

The midi files I purchased are of surprisingly excellent quality. I never tire of hearing them!  I made a big mistake not getting involved with midi songs, because I falsely assumed they were of low quality!
They are approximately $9 a piece at Yamaha MusicSoft; highly recommended.

Michael, are these Yamaha MusicSoft MIDI Songs, 0 or 1
If they are 1, you are saying I have to save them as 0 for editing volume etc... correct?
This is all hypothetical until I know whether or not the yamaha soft Midi files are midi 1 or midi 0.. but I have to ask:

Does the simple process of saving the Midi song within Song Creator, automatically change the file from 1 to 0???
I use T4 as a drum machine. Playing my own acmp and bass. MIDI songs are my latest interest. If anyone wishes to share knowledge on MIDI songs let me know.


Yes the second option is to lower the voice of lets say the Right 2 voice which is in channel 3 of the song.
Sometimes when we play is good to hear what we play,
so we can play it more loud so we can be more correctly without the distraction from the other sounds of the style
and after recording we can lower the R1+R2 voices
(which are now called midi channels 1+3)
to the level that is good for a listener.
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Thank you Panos

To be clear... I am not wishing to lower voice  R1 or R2  or R3 
I am referring to a "voice" ( Voice maybe a misleading term... I am referring to one of the 16 PARTS within a Midi Song ) within the Midi song!
I am mixed up about PART, VOICE , and CHANNEL. terminology.

The 16 ...( hesitates to choose a term ) Parts in Midi is one thing
Then there are the 3 .... Voices in the Right Hand ( usually )
Channels  I know nothing about.
I use T4 as a drum machine. Playing my own acmp and bass. MIDI songs are my latest interest. If anyone wishes to share knowledge on MIDI songs let me know.


yes this way works to lower the voice for each channel of the 16 tracks.(track=channel)
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Michael, are these Yamaha MusicSoft MIDI Songs, 0 or 1? 

I loaded a bunch of files I purchased recently from the Yamaha site and they were all type 0/

Does the simple process of saving the Midi song within Song Creator, automatically change the file from 1 to 0???


How to tell the type?

There may be other ways, but if you had access to a Windows compueter ( I know you are on Mac), you could use the program MidiPlayer ( to display the type.

See attached. Note: any file(s) that you save in MidiPlayer (or MixMaster) is automatically converted to type 0. Both programs also allow you to change the overall volume of one or many files at once with a couple of clicks. You do not need to adjust each channel individually.



[attachment deleted by admin]
Michael P. Bedesem
Tyros 5


Michael and Pano thank you both

Michael, I bought a $300 PC laptop a few years ago, purely for the sake of owning this Yamaha Tyros...( you may recall, I have had a love hate feeling about t4, but lately the hate part is going away, because the more time I play it, the more I can extract some semblance of musicality out of it!)

Anyway, the windows PC was windows 7, and I am not crazy about windows to begin with, so a number of years ( 2-3 years have elapsed since I turned it on.
I AM wondering a few things about my PC

1. I assume a PC is the smart way to go with the various adjunct programs you and others like Murray and Jorgen have so nicely provided us... so forget the Mac for Tyros purposes, correct?. ( an exception might be if I wrote a MIDI song on a Mac, it could be put in the Tyros format ?)

2. I assume I need to update the Windows laptop to 10, correct?

I use T4 as a drum machine. Playing my own acmp and bass. MIDI songs are my latest interest. If anyone wishes to share knowledge on MIDI songs let me know.


Windows 7 will work very well with all my programs. And I agree that the PSR software is almost all written for the PC (Jorgen has some exceptions I believe)

The midi file is a binary file. It should be able to be processed on any system as far as I know...


Michael P. Bedesem
Tyros 5


Better keep on using Windows 7 in case you can handle their interface.
In Windows 10 users have encounter many problems.

Sugarplumms I see you are not familiar with windows and I try to explain some things that maybe help you.

Midi songs of yamaha is nothing more than any midi file you can find on internet.
The difference is that Yamaha's purchased midi songs they maybe are copy protected and of course Yamaha can create better midi files than any of us.

Every midi song(file) can play at any keyboard either is from Yamaha musicsoft or from any other source.

All keyboards also create midi files(songs) when we press the rec button.

Many of the songs you can hear at this section are created first as midi files. 
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People choose a style+voices to play the song.
Before playing they press the rec button and when they have finished with their playing,
the keyboard automatically creates a midi song(file)
Then they convert that song from midi file(.mid) to wav file(.wav) on the keyboard using the usb audio player.
And afterwards most of them convert the wav file(.wav) into an mp3 file(.mp3) using a computer and a program is for doing that job (they are many such programs)

Moreover every computer with windows installed can play the midi songs(files) they way it plays mp3 files using the Windows Media Player(it is allready installed on your pc).

For me the best program just to watch and understand what every instrument is actually playing and the whole structure of the composition,
is by using a midi file and play it in Synthesia.
Look how Beethoven while playing the same melody over and over again,progressively adds more and more organs to give that "uplifting" feeling that modern eloctronic dance music uses so much.

BUT for edit a midi file you must use another program like Michael's programs. 

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Joe H


You can edit the song Part on the Tyros 4. You don't need any software.

1. Load your song file
2. Press the Part Mixer button
3. You may have to press the Part button several times to get to the Mixing Console (Song CH 1-8)
4. Now use the A button to toggle to (Song CH 9-16) if you need to
5. Adjust the Volume on the part you wish to change
6. Press Function button
7. then use the TAB button to to get to Menu 2 (if needed)
8. Press Song Creator to open the program
9. TAB to Setup Page
10. Now press the rewind button on the MIDI player (it has a square dot on it)
11. Now go back to Song Creator and press APPLY (this will record you Volume change at the beginning of the song file)
12. Now press SAVE (this will give a chance to select the drive you wish to save it to)
13. Press SAVE again (you will have the opportunity to rename the song then actually save it)

Hope this helps

Joe H

Music is the Universal Language!

My Article: Using Multi Pads in registrations. Download Regs, Styles & MPs:


Thank you, Sir, I have postponed this, because I am once again bumping into little half understood issues with navigation between Stylesamaha, Registrations.. and the Tabs where USER, HD , USB are located.

But I think I am making headway.

One has to realize just how many different kinds of tasks this Tyros can perform.
It is one screen dedicated to multiple tasks and can be confusing. But after five years of banging my head against the Yamaha wall.. I am developing a patient approach with this "Dragon" ( A reference to my new "hero" Dr Jordan Peterson).

When I run into an insuperable obstacle, I will check in!
I use T4 as a drum machine. Playing my own acmp and bass. MIDI songs are my latest interest. If anyone wishes to share knowledge on MIDI songs let me know.