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Tyros Styles

Started by JohnS (Ugawoga), Mar 05, 2018, 04:56 AM

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JohnS (Ugawoga)


None of my Tyros Styles come out as they should on the Genos.
The amount of fiddling to get near what we had Is a tough little job.
it Is almost a rework job totally.
I am finding the best way to start when looking at your Tyros styles Is to look throught the Genos One touch system and find a match or somewhere near.
The sounds on the Genos all need a bit of work to get them to sound pristine and you will find finished sounds a lot better in the one touch area .
I have had a study of them and look at what Yamaha have done .
Brass and stings sound better stacked It seems.
I do not know about you, but the sounds on the Genos sound sharp compared to the Tyros and the sounds do need warming up a little I find.
I have got a few registrations done now ,but they were not easy to to get right.

This Genos is a big learn curve about shaping sound and hopefully I will get my head around all those effects and nuances.

Love the genos, but you have to put a lot of time Into It.

All the Best

Ps What is all this Msb and lsb about????                Most significent byte and Least Significate Bytes       Chinese to me!! :-[
Genos 2     AMD RYZEN  9 7900  12 Core Processor 32 ram,   Focusrite Scarlet 4i4 4th Gen.


Quote from: ugawoga on Mar 05, 2018, 04:56 AM

Ps What is all this Msb and lsb about????                Most significent byte and Least Significate Bytes       Chinese to me!! :-[

Hi John.

Is about the extraterrestrial midi notation of banks of voices  ;D ;D ;D

As we can implied from YEM (MSB 62 Drums Voices and 63 Normal Voices), the MSB will tell us about the type of voices (Drums, or Mega Voices, or Normal Voices, etc) and LSB is the order of the pack in the memory.

PS: As the work in Genos, to get the sound to imported styles from Tyros series, yes indeed, there are some work to do to get back the sound as it has to be. Seems not all styles are totally compatible with Genos's system, as it might switch some parameters or it makes a wrong load of old parameters...  ;)
Genos(1) v2.13, Korg PA5X, Allen & Heath SQ5
My youtube channel -

Vali Maties - Genos

JohnS (Ugawoga)

Hi Val

I Understand now what you are saying.
I was scratching my head with thinkimg about the Msb and Lsb as I thought it was having to mess with those formulas like programming. :-\
I put my War of the Worlds Registration In the Genos last night and the drums nearly blew my head off and the orchestra was mighty thin.
I chose an orchestra and spiccato orchestra on the Tyros to give It some Bite, not Byte ;D.
On the Genos the Orchesra was thin and the Spiccato voice faded away too quickly.
I though Oh No!!,lots of work here!!.
I looked around the areas of movie themes and Orchestra based music In the one touch section and came accross the perfect orchestra for the beginning parts.
Because It was late last night I used headphones to try and get the sound as I wanted It.
Opened up my speakers in the morning and after a few twiddles  here and there I have a monster orchestra sound just right for the piece.I will take note of how Yamaha constructed It.(Extra terrestrial back engineering :) ;D).
It Is very enjoyable when things go to plan. Have to work on the dual flutes sound and alien sounding guitar plus effects. Flying Saucers everywhere!! ::)
After doing a registration,I compare them with the others that I have made and reduce or boost to get all registrations at equal levels.

I do not know about others ,but my finished registrations always land up about 50% In the mix section,so plenty of headroom.
With the Dxr 8's volume Is no problem, but the low level quality Is great.

All the Best
Genos 2     AMD RYZEN  9 7900  12 Core Processor 32 ram,   Focusrite Scarlet 4i4 4th Gen.


Hi John,
  Have you downloaded the Tyros 5 for Genos styles from Yamaha. They work very well on my Genos.

JohnS (Ugawoga)

Hi Eileen
I was talking about the Styles I created from Tyros styles as I swapped bits and pieces about.
I will have to download the styles you say are ok for the Genos.
I am getting there slowly!! :P

All the best
john :)
Genos 2     AMD RYZEN  9 7900  12 Core Processor 32 ram,   Focusrite Scarlet 4i4 4th Gen.


If you look down in this section I've opened in January a thread where I was speaking about this issue... styles from T5 (custom) are not fully compatible with Genos... I didn't studied what has those from Genos more than those from T5 but I think something happening inside

Genos(1) v2.13, Korg PA5X, Allen & Heath SQ5
My youtube channel -

Vali Maties - Genos

JohnS (Ugawoga)

I agree with Val

All the Best
Genos 2     AMD RYZEN  9 7900  12 Core Processor 32 ram,   Focusrite Scarlet 4i4 4th Gen.


If you have tweaked a style from a previous keyboard then you usually have to make adjustments to your new keyboard to get it how you want it.