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Cubase Elements and Mix Master

Started by Dusan, Feb 25, 2018, 10:31 AM

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Hi to all,

I haw a problem how to use Mix Master program with Cubase Elements.
I am allredy set up Mix master to edit files with Cubase,but when I try to
send file to Cubase from Mix Master, cant open it in that program.
Trouble is cos Cubase has a INPORT function to open Midi not like in
Cakewalk who has function OPEN to open midi.
Can enyone explain haw to do in correct way?

Thank you

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There is a function in cubase "import midi file" and then choose the folder that the midi file is in.
If you have problem searching to which folder the midi is in,
first save a copy of the midi file to the desktop which is always the easiest way to find something,rather than searching in folders.
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Thank you Panos,but that is not my question.
I allredy know how to inport Midi file ,but problem is
cos I want to know how to inport Midi from Mix Master program
and after editing export to Mix Master again.

Thank you

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You should be able to import the MIDI file into Cubase, edit it as desired, and then export it to a new MIDI file. (I recommend exporting to a new filename rather than overwriting the old file, in case you need the old file for some reason.)

Then you should be able to open the new MIDI file in MixMaster.



it's actually a style file who want to edit.If I change Syle file to Midi manualy
then I lost my CASM data and that file dont want to play corectly in T5.
So if I want to keep all data in Style file must load them to Mix Master first
and that program transfer file to Cubase.That function work allredy with Cakewalk but not
with Cubase.
Any solutions?

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I don't think that daws like Cubase is a good place to edit Yamaha styles
They always loose their sparkle and the casm is destroyed

Take a look at StyleMagic for Yamaha, take time to study it.
It's made for Yamaha styles




allmost all sequencers is a good place to edit Yamaha Style file's.On the end
Yamaha Style files is produce in Cubase DAW.
With Cakewalk Sonar that function work just fine.I just want to know haw
to inport Style file to Cubase from Mix Master program.

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Okay, now I understand what you're trying to do.

One suggestion is to use the Style Split and Splice program by Jørgen Sørensen to separate the style file into its MIDI section and non-MIDI section. Then you can work on the MIDI portion in Cubase, export it back to a MIDI file, and use the Style Split and Splice program to rejoin it with the non-MIDI section.

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Hi Dušan,

You can set a number of external editing programs in the 'Options' menu of MixMaster.

You can then use the 'GoTo' menu to send the loaded file to the external program.

Page 19 of the MixMaster Help manual explains how to do this.




Thank you Ian,

I am not new guy in this proces.I know haw to do it and how to set Mix Master program.
I am allredy use Mix Master with Sonar DAW and everything go's just excelent.
What I dont know?
I am change from Sonar to Cubase Elements 9.5. DAW and there everything was change.
Sonar use to load Midi function OPEN and that function work's with Mix Master just fine.
In the mid time Cubase Elements use to load Midi function INPORT who Mix Master dont
recognize or Cubase dont want to Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login was general problem and this way I cant load file's
from Mix Master.
And whay I use Mix Master to transfer Style or Midi file's to DAW? Simply becos Mix Master keep
all CASM data of Style file's and after editing in DAW edd Casm data to edited file.

So general question is:haw to transfer Files from Mix Mastrer to Cubase....?

If you want to fly,you must first walk....


Hi Dusan --

I use Jorgen's Style Split and Splice for this kind of work. One experiment is to split the style into MIDI and non-MIDI parts. Then import the MIDI file (part) into Cubase.

You might like this process enough to replace Mixmaster with Split/Splice depending on your goals and workflow.

Hope this helps -- pj


Dusan, I tried this with MixMaster and Cubase Elements 9. MixMaster is able to open Cubase, but Cubase does not seem to want to automatically import the file. I'll continue experimenting to see if I can find a way to do it-- otherwise you'll need to import the MIDI portion of the style file manually.



thank you,for your's kinde suport and help.
Please let me know if I can send to you a privat mesage...?


If you want to fly,you must first walk....


You're welcome, and of course. :)


Well, I was able to get Cubase to import the MIDI portion of a style file from MixMaster, but I don't think I was yet able to make a change in Cubase and have it be transferred back to MixMaster.

What I had done originally was to put the command line for Cubase in the third slot of the Options window in MixMaster-- the one that says "Midi or Style Program with/without OTS/Casm editing." But when I tried that, it didn't work; Cubase would start up, but nothing would be loaded.

What I did next was to clear that third slot and instead put the command line for Cubase in the second slot-- the one that says "PSRUTI or pgm with no OTS/Casm reading or editing." When I tried that, Cubase started up as before, but this time I was prompted to select a location for the project file. Once I did that, the MIDI portion of the style file appeared in Cubase.

However, I knew that if I made a change and then closed the project, Cubase would save it as a project file, not as a MIDI file. So I knew that what I needed to do was export the changes to a MIDI file, but I didn't know what location I should export it to so that MixMaster would receive it. I still need to figure that out.


Many members are looking at this topic with interest, please keep it going,


After making changes in Cubase, you should exit Cubase by saving the changed file as a midi file with the same name as it was loaded .
I suppose that there must be somewhere in Cubase the possibility to "save file as" and then overwritten the existing file.
You must overwrite the loaded file because Mixmaster needs the same name for reloading the changed file.

If after making changes in Cubase and you do not want to return the changes to MixMaster the you exit Cubase whithout saving the file.


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Joe H


For what you want to do it would be much easier to buy a copy of Midiworks or StyleMagic. These programs have full support for your keyboard. You can download demo copies of these 2 programs and try them before you buy them.

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BTW... I have installed these programs in MixMaster Go To Menu.  I can also load a Multi Pad file and pass it to Midiworks to edit then send back to MixMaster to save...  works great.

Joe H
Music is the Universal Language!

My Article: Using Multi Pads in registrations. Download Regs, Styles & MPs:


In Cubase you can't "Save As" a MIDI file; instead, you "Export" to a MIDI file.

I found the location for the file, which is given in the MixMaster manual. Once I've gone through a successful editing session, I'll post the steps I went through.



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Holy moley, it took me a bit to figure out what I was doing wrong in Cubase!

The following steps were done with MixMaster 5.1.6 and Cubase Elements 9, so I don't know if any of the steps might vary slightly for MixMaster 5.1.7 and Cubase Elements 9.5.

(01) Start MixMaster.

(02) Click on the "Options" menu selection.

(03) Click on the "Browse" button next to the second text box, titled "PSRUTI or pgm with no OTS/Casm reading or editing."

(04) Browse to the location of the Cubase executable-- e.g., "C:\Program Files\Steinberg\Cubase LE AI Elements 9\Cunase LE AI Elements 9.exe"-- click on it, and click on the "Open" button.

(05) The file path and executable name should be copied into the second text box; if so, click on the "X" to close the "Options" window.

(06) Open the style file you want to work on.

(07) Click on the "GoTo" menu selection and then click on the name of the Cubase DAW to transfer the MIDI portion of the style into Cubase.

(08) Depending on how many plugins you use with Cubase, it might take a little while for Cubase to initialize everything, but eventually the Cubase menu bar should appear across the top of the screen, and a "Set Project Folder" window should appear in the center of the screen.

(09) In the "Set Project Folder" window, navigate to the location where you want to save the Cubase project, then click on the "OK" button.

(10) After a few seconds the Cubase window should appear with the MIDI channels used in the style. Edit the MIDI data as you wish.

(11) When done, click on the "File" menu, click on the "Export" selection, and click on the "MIDI File..." option.

(12) When the "Export MIDI File" window appears, navigate to the location of the "MMaster.mid" file, which should be the folder with a name like "C:\Users\YourUserName\AppData\Roaming\Michael P. Bedesem\MixMaster." (Note that the next time you do this, the window will probably open up in that location automatically.)

(13) In the window, click on the "MMaster.mid" file and then click on the "Save" button.

(14) A window should pop up asking "Do you want to replace MMaster.mid?" Click on the "Yes" button.

(15) When the "Export Options" window appears, make sure everything that can be checked is checked (the first two options should be grayed out), except you need to make sure that "Export Locator Range" is not checked. Then click on the "OK" button to export the MIDI data.

(16) Click on the "File" menu and select "Quit."

(17) A window should pop up asking "Do you want to save this project?" Since you've already exported the MIDI data, you can just click on the "Don't Save" button; or if you want to save the Cubase project file, click on the "Save" button and enter the name you want to call the project.

(18) After a moment Cubase should close down [EDIT: or maybe even crash!] and the computer should return to the MixMaster program with the changes you made.

Step 15 is where I kept making a mistake, because the first time I did it the "Export Locator Range" option was checked by default, and I just accepted all of the defaults. It turns out that if you check that option the resulting MIDI file will not contain all of the Note data, apparently because the export process will end as soon as initialization data in bar 1 has been exported.



what a great work you did...thank you for that.
I will try your explanation after my business trip...


If you want to fly,you must first walk....


You're welcome! Enjoy your trip. I still have a couple of things to figure out.


Hi Michael,

I am sorry but your metod to inport Style file from Mix Master to Cubase dont work.
In Cubase is not ather option to open Midi file then INPORT function.
Mix Master sent a command to open Cubase with function "Go to" but Cubase
apper option what kinde of project we want to use.If chouse any of them there was no OK button
and Cubase open emty project.
So I anderstand taht cos Mix Master just want to open File wit Cubase but Cubase dont anderstand what Mix Master want to do with that File.
Dont know where Mix Master store that loding File in Roming folder,cos I dont see any file in that folder who has Mid extantion.
In roming Folder is a chance to Cubase recognize Midi file and then with Inport function we can open file in Cubase.
Just gues...


[attachment deleted by admin]

If you want to fly,you must first walk....

Joe H


I know you may not like StyleMagic or Midiworks, but I use those 2 programs in the MixMaster Go To Menu. Either one will work with MixMaster.  The Version 3 of both StyleMagic and Midiworks have a better Piano roll editor now.

The other option is to use Split and Splice software by Jorgen Sorensen so you can import a style into Cubase without destroying the CASM chunk in the style file.  Once you edit the style in Cubase you can then "Splice" the CASM and MIDI parts of the style back together again.

Joe H
Music is the Universal Language!

My Article: Using Multi Pads in registrations. Download Regs, Styles & MPs:



I am a person who want to know how thing's work.For me is fascinated whay I
I cant used such a Hi teck program like Cubase Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login ather programs just open
any file with no Inport option.
There must be an option to open Style file throu Mix Master,but cant figuret out
how to do that.
I know for Style Magic and Midi works programs but I spend some money to buy Cubase
and like to work with that program.


If you want to fly,you must first walk....


Hi Dusan,

What MixMaster does is opening the called program with an 'Command line argument' that includes the file to be loaded in the program.
If Cubase does not support 'Command line arguments' it will not load the file like other programs do.

QuoteSo I anderstand that cos Mix Master just want to open File wit Cubase but Cubase dont anderstand what Mix Master want to do with that File.
It is not MixMaster that need to say to Cubase what to do with the file. MixMaster simply gives you the possibilty to send the file to another program, where YOU can make changes to the file. Once this is done YOU need to save the changed file on the same place from where it has been loaded. Returning back to MixMaster will make the changed file visible in MixMaster with the changes.


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Hi Dušan,

If the problem is caused by 'Steinberg Hub' opening when Cubase is opened, then on my version of Cubase LE8 you can stop Cubase from opening Steinberg Hub when the program opens as follows.

With Cubase open, click 'File' on the menu bar, select 'Preferences' from the drop down list, and select 'General'.

There should be a checkbox on the 'General' display titled 'Use Steinberg Hub'.   Uncheck this and click 'Apply', then 'OK'

Close Cubase and the next time that you open it, it should go straight to the main display without opening the Steinberg Hub.

In LE8 from the main screen you can click on 'File' in the menu bar and then 'Import' and 'MIDI'.

I haven't tried this, but maybe disabling Steinberg Hub will allow the command from MixMaster to open Cubase and import the MIDI from your style, perhaps using Michael's procedure.




Thank you guy's but problem still exist...

Mix Master do hes jobe wery well,problem is in Cubase.Cos in Cubase is
only option to Inport File who generate Mix master just cant fined location
where that temporary Mix Master Midi file is....?On Rouming Mix Master folder is not
exist and cant be wisible.
Where Mix Master store Converted Syle file like Midi file when is on pouse position?



If you want to fly,you must first walk....


Hi Dusan,

Like Micahel already wrote the file is in :
C:\Users\YourUserName\AppData\Roaming\Michael P. Bedesem\MixMaster\.....

But replace the 'YourUserName' by your name as you have defined by the install of Windows.

If plan A doesn't work, don't forget that the alphabet has 25 more letters.
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