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Gibson to abandon Cakewalk

Started by SeaGtGruff, Nov 21, 2017, 05:59 PM

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This announcement is a few days old, but I only just heard about it.

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As I understand it, Gibson just bought Cakewalk from Roland four years ago. Now they've decided to stop actively developing it, whatever that means-- definitely no new versions per se, but will bugs get fixed, and will it be updated as needed so it will continue to work as computer operating systems are updated?

Jeff Hollande

Hi Michael,

Thank you for this important information. :)

I am almost sure Sonar/Cakewalk will be distributed by another American cy soon.
It is hard to believe Cakewalk will leave the market ...



Just another link to cakewalk closing down

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Gibson has sold Cakewalk to BandLab, which means SONAR still has a future:

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