Please recommand program to modify style

Started by Toril S, Feb 23, 2018, 10:19 PM

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Toril S

Hello friends :) I have now looked at the styke creator on my S970, and I was not able to do what I want, mostly due to too small letters for me to read. So I will have to use a computer program. What i want to do is this: Be able to edit tempo and OTS settings in styles. I saw Jørgen has an OTS editor, so I will try that, but here is a steeeeeeep learning curve!!
Toril S

Genos, Tyros 5, PSR S975, PSR 2100
and PSR-47.
Former keyboards: PSR-S970.

Toril's PSR Performer Page


You can see on the video how insert tempo control in style with  Mix Master sofware.
Watch my video channel

Toril S

Toril S

Genos, Tyros 5, PSR S975, PSR 2100
and PSR-47.
Former keyboards: PSR-S970.

Toril's PSR Performer Page


Hi Toril,

You don't use Style Creator to modify the OTS in a style!

You can do it on the keyboard quite simply, and if your vision allows you to select and load voices from the keyboard's selection screens, then you should be able to modify the OTS.  The procedure is described on page 29 of the 'PSR-S970 Reference Manual',  or you can use my version below.

1]  Load the style that you want to change

2]  Press the OTS button that you want to change (1 to 4).   This sets up the keyboard with the voices etc. currently stored in that OTS button.

3]  Now change the any of the R1, R2 and Left voices, (and the Multipad too if you like) that you want to change just as if you were going to play  them live.  Also adjust the levels and Voice Sets if necessary.  You can play the style as you change them, but don't change the selected OTS!

4]  Once you are happy press the 'Memory' button amongst the panel Registration buttons, just as if you were memorising a registration.  The usual 'Registration Memory Contents' display will open, but you can ignore that, however don't close it!

5]  Now press the OTS button that you want to save the new voices too (usually the same OTS button that you started modifying)

6]  The OTS button should flash a couple of times to let you know that new data is being saved to it.

7]  A window will pop up asking if you want to save the style.

8]  You can choose to save the style here, but if you want to change any more OTS buttons in the style, you may as well change them all and just save after you have changed every one that you want to.

9]  Now press the next OTS button that you want to change.  This sets up the keyboard with the voices etc. currently stored in it.

10]  Repeat from 3] above.

11]  After you have changed and memorised the final OTS that you want to, when the pop up asking you if you want to save the style appears, say Yes and save, changing the name if you like to make it more meaningful to you.

Regarding changing the style tempo, on the keyboard you can only do this by saving from Style Creator.

If you want to use a computer, then Jørgen Sørensen's 'Style Tempo Editor' should be good for you since it allows you to select the size of it's screen from it's 'View' menu option.   Although it is designed to allow you to set different tempos in each style section, you can simply use the 'All Parts' box to set the same tempo for all sections, which is how most styles will be configured.

You can download the installer for the program from this link...

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Toril S

Hello Ian. You are an angel, and have saved my day! :) thanks for that very comprehensive tutorial, easy to read and easy to understand!! I was able to change the tempo in MixMaster, bu was at a loss with the OTS. Great that I can do it on the keyboard.

Toril S

Genos, Tyros 5, PSR S975, PSR 2100
and PSR-47.
Former keyboards: PSR-S970.

Toril's PSR Performer Page

Toril S

Hello, Ian, and others! Alas, it didn't work! I did as instructed, but all that happens is that the keyboard goes between the registration screen and the style selection screen. No pop up window to save the style. Any other suggestions? S970?
Maybe I have to tick off all on the registration list?
Toril S

Genos, Tyros 5, PSR S975, PSR 2100
and PSR-47.
Former keyboards: PSR-S970.

Toril's PSR Performer Page


the page 29 that Ian suggested.

memory-OTS 1-F-save
seems my s750 works more easilly Toril,
when I press save a pop up window arppears that my ots have changed and if I want to save the new style.
Then down and left to the screen is the save icon

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Hi Toril,

The settings on the 'Registration Memory Contents' screen that appears when you press the 'Memory' button to memorise an OTS have absolutely no effect on what is saved in the OTS!

You can change them, but there is absolutely no point!  If you press one of the OTS buttons while this display is open, the OS will save the current settings (which you presumably have modified) to that OTS memory.   When you save the style from the 'pop up',  the modified OTS settings will be saved along with it.

If this is not working for you, then you must be doing something wrong!

Make sure that you have actually loaded the new voice/s that you want to save in a given OTS button and if necessary adjusted the levels etc,  before committing them to an OTS button.

Play the keyboard to make sure that the new voices are loaded and are what you want to use.

Once you are happy, memorise the settings into an OTS button as described.  I assure you that it works!

One thing that might be confusing you (and you won't be the first!) is that at least up to the Tyros4, if you memorise a User voice into an OTS button, then although the MAIN display will show the User voice name when you memorise it, if you press another OTS button and then go back to the one that you have changed, the voice name shown in the display will now appear as the name of the original preset voice that the user voice was based on rather that the name of the USER voice itself!  However the voice that plays will be the one with the edits that were made in the User voice.    It's possible that Yamaha might have finally got their finger out and sorted this confusing situation on the S970/770 so that the correct User voice name is shown, I'm not sure about that!

However, you should be able to avoid any such potential confusion about this while 'learning' to modify OTS if you stick to preset voices.  Hopefully this will convince you that the procedure that I detailed does work, and once you are reassured, then you can get on with modifying the OTS in your styles anyway you see fit.



Toril S

Hello Isn. I do things right, but there is no pop up window! Could it be they have taken this feature away from the S970? I even watched a man on YT showing how it is done. As soon as he pressed the memory and ots buttens, and up came the pop up window. Not here. Maybe I have a faulty keyboard? But thanks for all the help. :)
Toril S

Genos, Tyros 5, PSR S975, PSR 2100
and PSR-47.
Former keyboards: PSR-S970.

Toril's PSR Performer Page

Toril S

Hello Ian, Panos and Okobu :) As in most cases when machines don't work the way we want them to, it is a user error, - I pressed the wrong button, and got the wrong result! Red face. Glad I am amomg friends, don't tell anyone of all the air in my head :) Thanks for your help and patience!
Toril S

Genos, Tyros 5, PSR S975, PSR 2100
and PSR-47.
Former keyboards: PSR-S970.

Toril's PSR Performer Page


If the job is done, that's all that matters  :)
I have counted the buttons of my keyabord and they are twice as more than my 61 keys.
(nearly 150 buttons)

So ready for the next step to get to know your keyboard.
Covers on Youtube (live playing)
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Toril S

Much country yet to be discovered😀 Keeps the air in my head sirculatinf😀
Toril S

Genos, Tyros 5, PSR S975, PSR 2100
and PSR-47.
Former keyboards: PSR-S970.

Toril's PSR Performer Page