Started by Osvaldo De Souza, Feb 16, 2018, 08:54 PM

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Osvaldo De Souza

16th February 2018

Good morning

I have a MERISH 4 MIDI & MP3 player which came with professional midi songs and sounds great when the midi files are played through the MERISH 4 compared to playing the same Midi files through PSR-S970.

However, the Merish 4 can only display the Lyrics and NOT NOTATION.

I would like to know if there is a configuration to set on PSR-S970 in order to display the notation of channel 4 of the Midi File in the LCD display of PSR-S970 whilst the song is being played on the Merish 4 MIDI PLAYER and this should be synchronized with PSR-S970.

I believe the 1st step would be to connect the Midi Cables i.e. one end of the Midi Cable i.e. " MIDI OUT " from the Merish 4 to " MIDI IN " on PSR-S970.

What are the other steps I need to do on PSR-S970 in order to receive and display on PSR LCD the Channel 4 notation which should sync as I play the MIDI song on Merish 4.


If I copy the Midi File Song on a USB THUMB DRIVE and load on PSR-S970 and same Midi File song is loaded on MERISH 4, when I play the song on Merish 4 Midi Player is there a way to have the same song synchronized to played simultaneously on the PSR-S970?? This way I can then selected channel 4 on PSR-S970 to view the melody notation.

What are the steps required to achieve this procedure??

As indicated above the Midi Files have to be played through the " MERISH 4 MIDI & MP3 PLAYER " because of the quality of sound coming from Merish 4 which is not the same if the same Midi File song is played on PSR-S970.

Any other suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks for your help and instructions if this is at all possible.

Osvaldo De Souza (aka Oz)
Surrey, British Columbia, Canada