Purchasing, installing new styles on tyros 5, complicated?

Started by Cachou123, Feb 15, 2018, 07:05 PM

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 I have just purchased a tyros five and I was wondering how difficult or easy is it to purchase and install expansion pack or styles are there any step-by-step instructions or videos on how to do this thank you


Hi, it's not difficult but follow the instructions step by step. You do know that you must have an Extension Card (512 or 1024 Mb) to be able to install expansion pack. And every time you'll install one, this card is formated and all the previous packs are deleted. So, you must re-install all the packs every time ! The best way is to use YEM to load packs from your computer either by Usb or by Wifi.
Thank you Yamaha !!!




Hello, you have all expainations here:

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