Can a voice be used via a memory stick?

Started by Cowsonconcrete, Jan 31, 2018, 03:44 PM

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Apologies if this question has been asked many times before but I couldn't find an answer.
I'm just about up to speed with adding expansion packs, voices and multi pads into my psr s770 however the keyboards memory has reached capacity (or at least it says that on the Yamaha expansion manager) so I have a pack of Roland D50 voices which I would like to use but don't have space for.
If I delete other voices and make space it's fine but I "need" them all and can't seem to get the voices recognised directly from the USB.
Am I missing something?
Many thanks


Hi Mark,

Unfortunately what you are 'missing' is enough expansion memory to hold all your voices!   ::)

The external wave samples used by expansion voices can only be installed in the dedicated expansion memory built into the keyboard, which on an S770 is just 160 MB (512 MB on S970).  You can't use them from a USB memory device.

The recently announced updated models have more expansion memory, 280 MB in PSR-S775 and 768 MB in PSR-S975, but if you change your S770 for a S775 you are likely to take a big price hit!




Thanks Ian,
Mixed blessing there: it's great I'm not doing anything wrong but bad as I doubt I'll get another keyboard passed my wife when I've only had this 6 months and still have 18 months to finish paying for it!
I've tried removing styles from an official expansion pack but it seems to make very little difference.
Anyways thanks again and it looks as if I'll have to try and adapt some of the 800 preset voices!


If you have packs where you do not use all the voices take the ticks out of the ones you do not wish to load and this will free up some space for you.