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Yamaha arranger keyboards and Cubase Chord Track

Started by stkeys, Jan 27, 2018, 12:24 PM

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I posted this question in the Genos section but I would like to know if any other model i.e. PSR or Tyros users
have tried using their keyboard arranger with Cubase and the Chord track.
I'de like to know if it's possible to drive the Genos/Tyros/PSR styles from a Chord track in Cubase and keep everything in sync.



Not familiar with Cubase chord track, but if it puts out midi notes, (which I assume it does) yes you can certainly drive the Genes..  I always create a 'chord track' in Logic Pro. (although it is just a plain legato blocked chords.. Make sure Genos, derives it's clock from your DAW, and your set to go.  Set up your Genos, to 'midi detect chord from the right track from Cubase. You can start to do some really interesting things with a DAW and Genos.