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Hi PSR forum people

Started by psrgsresr400, Feb 07, 2018, 08:54 AM

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Just joined up a couple of days ago.  Name is Tom.  I have a PSR ew400 that I've had for about a month.  Before this I had a YPG 235.  Around the turn of the century I had a DGX 300.  Most of the tunes I have on the web were done with the DGX 300, or the many Casio keyboards I've had.  Hadn't played for about 15 years until a few months ago.  My goal is to get back up to speed by the end of this year, then compose at least 100 more pieces before I check out for good.  (I'm 70)

My stuff is split between solo piano, organ, electric piano, etc., and ensemble.  Lots of the solo pieces are improv, or mostly improv, as are many of the tracks in the ensemble pieces.  I guess my music would be called Contemporary Instrumental.  Sort of New Agey, Nu Jazzy, whatever.

I'm sure I'll learn a lot from the posts in the forums.  Don't have any questions eating at me at the moment.  Just practicing, learning the ew400, saving ideas, and reading messages on many different topics.

Currently, I record any ideas as .wav files via the USB to HOST connection to my laptop.  Have an external analog to digital converter on the way, and will record via the line out jacks on the keyboard when that gets here.  Later this year will be getting another desktop computer with a really good sound card, and not too long after that a DGX 660 or something in that range.  Anyway, that's the plan.


Welcome to the forums! I hope you're enjoying your PSR-EW400. :)

Be sure to check out the main site, The lessons are geared toward the PSR-S and Tyros models, but there are many style collections available for download.


Thank you sir.  Yes, the main site is fantastic.  In reading some of the messages, I noticed that you recently got a PSR ew400 also.  Fantastic!  I'm sure that I'll have some questions about how to do certain things with the PSR ew400.  So far am extremely pleased with it, and having lots of fun.  Nevertheless, I'm looking to upgrade to something like a DGX 660 by the end of the year.  I've used several different manufacturer's keyboards (mostly Yamaha and Casio), and am most satisfied with the various Yamaha keyboards that I've had.


Hello Tom and wellcome to the forum,
I still have a DGX 305 and was my first new keyboard and I remember that I have chosen a DGX instead of a PSR because it had more keys.
There is a songs section where you can upload to a url  your "Contemporary Instrumental" music so we can listen to it.
I have watched videos on youtube with people playing the DGX 600+ series and they sound really nice as digital pianos.
Covers on Youtube (live playing)
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Roger Brenizer

Hi Tom,

Welcome to the forum and thank you for becoming a member.  I enjoyed reading your short biography.  I'm sure you're going to learn a great deal about your new PSR-EW400 keyboard here on the forum and will experience many pleasurable hours playing it.

You'll want to be sure to visit the Home page and check out some of the tutorials you will find links to there.  This link will take you to the Home page of the website:

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We're so glad you've decided to become a member and very happy you've decided to become a part of this great forum family.  If you have any questions, then please just ask.  There are many members here that are always very willing to help you.
"Music Is My Life"
My best regards,

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Joe H

Quote from: psrgsresr400 on Feb 07, 2018, 08:54 AM
...  My goal is to get back up to speed by the end of this year, then compose at least 100 more pieces before I check out for good.  (I'm 70)...

Eat lots of vegetables, fruits and nuts.  Lay-off the sugar, salt and fatty stuff.  Walk everyday (or some other exercise).

You've got at least another 18 to 20 years before you check out. (unless you have really abused yourself with junk food... but it's never too late to change our ways.  I know; I just had a stroke and I'm changing my lifestyle and diet.  I'm also 70 and plan to be around for awhile.


Joe H
Music is the Universal Language!

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Toril S

Hello Tom. Welcome to the forum :)
Toril S

Genos, Tyros 5, PSR S975, PSR 2100
and PSR-47.
Former keyboards: PSR-S970.

Toril's PSR Performer Page