Stop Genos changing voices in Registrations

Started by Duffy, Jan 28, 2018, 06:55 AM

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Does anyone know whether there is a way to stop the Genos from making changes to registrations made on Tyros4.
For instance - it takes out my legacy strings and replaces them with Kino or Seattle strings and the whole sound is then completely different from how I set it up.
I sincerely hope there is a way round this problem.
Some people may like them but personally, I find the Kino & Seattle strings horrible and the whole idea of Registrations is that we create the sounds that WE like to suit the music we are playing.
The strings I am using exist in either the USER folder or the Legacy folder so it's not caused by Genos being unable to find them.
Thanks if you can help.


Are the substitutions occurring with panel voices or style parts? It's difficult to understand if Genos is substituting the former. My Legacy panel voices originally ex Ty4 are preserved on Tyros.
However if Genos is substituting  the "old" style for the upgraded preset version, the latter is likely to have Kino mega voices built in and that could be an explanation. My original old English Waltz in one of my registrations for example ends up as the Genos upgraded English Waltz which contains some Kino Strings.
If it is the style that is your concern one of the options is to force Genos to use the old one so that it does not automatically switch to the latest version. Try loading the old Ty4 style and load your panel voices to the keyboard from the registration with the Freeze button on (so Genos does not override the style) and see if that sounds more to your liking. If it works you may want to consider re-saving the registration but first re-name the old style so it won't in future be substituted. 



I must say I have not had any of my Tyros 5 registrations altered to new sounds. I backed my hard drive up and loaded onto the USB stick I use as USB1 in my Genos. It picks up all my Legacy voices with no problem.


Quote from: Duffy on Jan 28, 2018, 06:55 AM
Does anyone know whether there is a way to stop the Genos from making changes to registrations made on Tyros4.
For instance - it takes out my legacy strings and replaces them with Kino or Seattle strings and the whole sound is then completely different from how I set it up.
I sincerely hope there is a way round this problem.
Some people may like them but personally, I find the Kino & Seattle strings horrible and the whole idea of Registrations is that we create the sounds that WE like to suit the music we are playing.
The strings I am using exist in either the USER folder or the Legacy folder so it's not caused by Genos being unable to find them.
Thanks if you can help.

That's happened to me too... I have spent a lot of time replacing them whit the old ones... Thanks to a list of MSB-LSB-PC of Tyros 5, I knew what to put in place of replacements ones... Kino Strings are awesome, but does not fit to everything...

Quote from: jwyvern on Jan 28, 2018, 07:42 AM
Are the substitutions occurring with panel voices or style parts? It's difficult to understand if Genos is substituting the former. My Legacy panel voices originally ex Ty4 are preserved on Tyros.

Panel Voices are from OTS-es (which I think, most of them, less those which are loaded from registrations) and OTS-es are stored in Styles... So may be about a Style conversion issue...

Quote from: EileenL on Jan 28, 2018, 11:39 AM
I must say I have not had any of my Tyros 5 registrations altered to new sounds. I backed my hard drive up and loaded onto the USB stick I use as USB1 in my Genos. It picks up all my Legacy voices with no problem.

I may say you are the single Genos owner does haven't has problems...  ;D ;D ;D You lucky one !!!  ;D ;D
Genos(1) v2.13, Korg PA5X, Allen & Heath SQ5
My youtube channel -

Vali Maties - Genos



" I may say you are the single Genos owner does haven't has problems...  ;D ;D ;D You lucky one !!!  ;D ;D "

I don't know that it is luck so much as the fact that Eileen has a wealth of experience and knowledge with Yamaha keyboards, plus a lot of common sense. :) Put all this together and the fact she reads all the manuals, I'm not surprised that she has fewer problems.

Genos2, Montage M6, Maschine Micro NI, Cubase 14, Komplete 14 Ultimate, Arturia Analog Lab, HALion7, Groove Agent 5, HS8 Speakers.


It's the voices which are set in the 8 Registrations which are changed (not all of them but at least some in almost every set of 8 registrations).
Usually strings are changed but often saxes and also guitars.
I never thought whether Genos was picking up it's own styles along with OTS - will check this tomorrow but I would have thought that as I use only Registration banks, it should pick up the correct styles and voices according to where the registration points it.
Thanks for a pointer to a possible cause.
If all Eileens registrations pick up the right voices, there's hope for me yet so just a case of getting to the bottom of it.


Quote from: Duffy on Jan 28, 2018, 04:21 PM

I never thought whether Genos was picking up it's own styles along with OTS - will check this tomorrow but I would have thought that as I use only Registration banks, it should pick up the correct styles and voices according to where the registration points it.
Thanks for a pointer to a possible cause.
If all Eileens registrations pick up the right voices, there's hope for me yet so just a case of getting to the bottom of it.

If the registration calls for a Ty4 preset style and Genos has a preset Style with the same name, its likely the latter will be the one chosen. Hence it might be worth copying and renaming the Ty4 styles to a folder on Genos so you can re-link your registrations to them and they will no longer be substituted.

Do the correct voice appear if you press the samme registration button once more, when playing ?

In that case you have probably saved a midifile in the registration.
All commands before the first note in the midifile is processed when the file loads.

If that is the problem, just save the registration again without a checkmark in "Song"

Regards Tommy


No, I very rarely use midi files so that's not the problem.
New voice stays no matter how many times I press the button.
I have also found these voice changes in registration banks which are pointing to styles that I have converted from other keyboards and so don't exist in the Genos except in my converted styles folder.
Seems very strange and will take a lot of work to sort it out but what worries me is will the Genos change them again?
I hate intelligent computers, phones, keyboards etc. when they do things like this without asking. 


When I saved registrations on my Tyros 5 I often tweaked the voices I used such as using a different DSP or adding extra reverb and using some of my user voices I had created. The only things that I have to redo are where I used some  Expansion voices that I no longer have loaded in my YEM. If using an onboard style on Tyros which has been changed on Genos the keyboard will often substitute that one for the Genos version. I saved all my Tyros 5 styles so if I prefer the old one it is easy to re-save that to the bank. Apart from that all my voices remain the same but of course sound Ten times better.
  I must admit that some things could be made a little easier when using the touch screen but it dose not do anyone any good to rant and rave about it. Yamaha will get round to updates that they feel really need doing.
  I have always been a sit and play person and have entertained this way for many years now. What you see is what you get and I have never received any complaint about the content of my shows. Good voicing and a suitable style for what you are playing is the way I use my keyboard.


Hi Eileen,
If you are referring to my post, I have not complained about the touch screen at all and have in fact, not complained about the Genos at all except regarding my problems with registrations being changed by Genos which is causing me a lot of work trying to get to the bottom of it.
i love the Genos and think Yamaha are moving in the right direction and I am certainly not ranting and raving about anything.
I simply posted to see if anyone knew how to stop these registration changes being made.
I copied all my Tyros4 work across to the USB drive underneath the Genos exactly the way it was on the Tyros4 hard drive and expected that all links would be preserved and I just can't understand why I have this problem when people such as yourself find everything is working the way it should.
I knew that there are many on this forum who know much more about Yamaha keyboards than I do and decided to seek their advice.


Hi Duffy,
  My post was not directly aimed at you but was talking about things in general.
The way I copied my Tyros contents across was to back up my Ty5 hard drive onto my computer as I always did regularly as I added content. I then Formatted my 64Gb USB on Genos and then put it into my computer and copied the content of the files of the HDD Tyros 5 to the root directory of my USB stick and all links were there.


Hi Eileen,
Yes that's exactly what I did after initially trying one small section of them in the second USB drive.
When I realised that Genos had changed them, I decided to install them just as they were on my Tyros4 and assumed they would all work correctly then but, unfortunately, they didn't.
Perhaps I should explain why it's causing me such problems
I rarely use any styles in their original state as every style is copied and tweaked to my satisfaction for each song I do (some are conversions from other keyboards). These are all then saved in a registration bank where i can progress through the 8 memories as I go through a song.
I therefore want neither the style or the sounds in my registrations to be changed or they won't work to my satisfaction.
I will have to contact Yamaha but I don't think they will make any changes in this respect to one single complaint.
If others share my view, will they speak out as that's the only way someone may take notice.
This is not about kicking Yamaha who have made a brilliant keyboard but to explain that we don't all work in the same way so we need an option to tell Genos not to make any changes to registrations or styles and just load them as they are.