PSR 950 read PSR 970 Registration files?

Started by NASAMike, Jan 26, 2018, 02:28 PM

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Is there any way a PSR 950 can read registration files that were updated on a PSR 970?  Software update or anything?

I get a "data not loaded properly" msg when attempting to open a registration that was saved on a PSR 970 in the PSR 950.



I don't know if that helps.
The same type of error we get sometimes with a style that something is wrong with it.

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Generally, Yamaha keyboards can't read registration banks that were created/saved on later models.

However you can use Murray Best's 'Yamaha Registration Manager' program on a PC to convert S970 registration banks to use on the S950.

You can download the program from the page at this link...




Works great! Much appreciated.
