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Can you have audio drums on the genos

Started by Brian3331, Jan 18, 2018, 02:38 PM

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hey everyone I'm finding the revo drums don't suit my needs and I'm using dynamix drums at the minute just wondering if i could use a real kit


You can download the Audio styles that were on Tyros 5 for Genos on the download Yamaha site. You will need to import them into the YEM and then Load into Genos but they work well.


Sorry you've picked me up wrong I'm wondering if I can use audio kick and snare as I've loads of them in my studio


You need to convert your "wave" drums (if it is what you have) into "soundfont/sf2" files and when done import them in your Genos with the YEM software.
The "Polyphone" software allows that, Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login.

I have never done it so i can't help more but there is a step by step tutorial on Polyphone's  website.
It seems to be quite some "work", so you need to really love those drums of yours !