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Need "ins" file for par-a3000

Started by topick, Jan 20, 2018, 11:28 PM

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After working with fl studio for over a year, I switched to sonar last week which I must have done it earlier. Finally, I was able to get all my midi files voices sound correctly and no more messing with midi ch's, trk's or etc. Nothing bad about fl studio. It is a very powerful software but I almost had lost my interest to make styles (using stylemagic ya) but after working with sonar seems like everything falls in right place.

Now, I'm in need of ins file to be able to select my voices by names correctly (not with numbers). Wondering if any of you folks have created such a file and is willing to share?



Did you know that in November 2017 Cakewalk ceased new product development before you bought it?

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No I was not aware of it. No wonder my friend gave it to me as a gift. On the other hand, I'm using the midi portion of it that is being layout very friendly and useful . As a matter of fact, It may work out ok. Every time there is an update, There are new problems.

After doing few searches, I learned that actually the one would work best to create midi notes for converting them to styles is the "sonar 4 producer". This is an older version of cakewalk.

I'm among those group that if something works, I will not change and upgrade. Do you know why it takes so long for almost all arrangers to upload files? Companies are still using 1980's technologies.

Anyway, thanks for the info. Back to my question, anyone out there with ins file for par-a3000?

Your help and support is appreciated.



I'd like to thank some of the member of the group who are sending me the file.

Let me clarify myself; I need the "INS" file and not the "N27". The difference is that the N27 file can be produced with your own keyboard via the menu section. This file carry the information about your keyboard's Serial Number and the firmware.

The "INS" file is a file that contains all the voices and patches names (and much more) that DAW software uses to select the proper voices by name instead of confusing numbers.



OK, after a long delay and lots of research, I finally was able to create this file by my own.

Attached is the "ins" file for PSR-A3000. Musicians who use Sonar (Cakewalk) can appreciate this. I know cakewalk has been bought out by Bandlab but I'm pretty sure that there are people who still use Sonar.

Please remove (.txt) after loading the file.

Sincerely all,

[attachment deleted by admin]


Thank you very much for sharing this with us, topick. :)


Any time,
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