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How to...

Started by Dusan, Jan 20, 2018, 04:11 AM

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How I can edit CH1 in Style creator on Tyros 5.
I am try on many ways but Style creator give me a chance
just a CH2 to change parameter in Edit window.

Thank you

If you want to fly,you must first walk....

Wim NL

Hi Dusan,

I think there has to be some data in RHY1.
In Rec Channel push and hold RHY1.
This can be done only when it is green and not greyed.

If there is no data, you could first assembly from other variation.
Best Regards,



Style what I want to edit has data in all eight channel's.
General problem is how to access to RHY1 data in
Edit menu and make some changes like I can do
in CHY2.
Look's like only CHY2 can be edited on Style Creator
or I dont know how to do'it...

If you want to fly,you must first walk....


if T5 works the same as psr:
Press Rec and at the same time press the down 1 button under your screen.
Rec+1 down button

(1 upper button is for changing the voice of the part 1)
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Yes Panos,
but data must be delite first in chanel's.
That mesage aper in ather chanels (BASS,CHD1,CHD2,PAD,PHR1 and PHR2)
I dont want to delit but edit data in chanel....

If you want to fly,you must first walk....


I can see what you mean.
The same message appears to me when i try to edit a preset part,except from RHY1+RHY2.
""You have to delete the data of the original style before recording.Delete?""

So the parts that give that message I cannot make any change to them,
except from using the mixing console to change their voice,volume,brightness etc
or use them to another style with assembling.

I believe that if it is a part that recorded by you or any other user that you have downloaded the style from and he recorded that part,
only then you can edit the part,
or record extra notes to that part if you wish, without having to delete the original notes if you don't want to.
I guess there are data on preset Yamaha style parts that cannot be changed by users.
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You could try using one of Jørgen Sørensen's PC programs (Style Unlocker) to 'unlock' the style parts. 

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I don't know if this works when there is more than one channel assigned to a particular style part, which many of Yamaha's presets have!

If it works, you should then be able to access the part in the 'Edit' tab of Style Creator, once you arm that part for 'Rec'!

Alternatively you can edit any channel of any style part, even if 'locked', using a DAW, or better still, a style friendly program such as Michael Bedesem's 'MixMaster' for PC.   Link...

