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Touch Curve

Started by Bud2, Jan 16, 2018, 03:49 PM

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I have noticed if I play a Registration from my previous keyboard, Tyros 5 the touch curve was set to "OFF" on my T5, then I play a Style on the Genos, by the way I have set the Touch Curve on the Genos to "Easy 2" from the day I had it, if there is a Piano in one of the OTS the Touch Curve response is OFF and the only way I can get it back to responding to the "Easy 2" is by switching the Genos off for a few minutes then back on again, now the piano in the OTS responds to the "Easy 2". On my previous keyboards I have always used the Touch OFF but I thought with the Genos I would see if I could get used to playing with the Touch ON and although it is early days I am persevering with it and find it a lot better, I wish I had done this years ago but I always felt as if I had to really hit the keys to get a decent sound but on the Genos set to "Easy 2" I find I am getting better. I just wish I didn't have to turn it off if I use one of my Registrations from my T5 before I can get the "Easy 2" to work again. Has anyone else noticed this or if there is another way without having to turn the Genos off after I have used a Registration from my T5.


Hi Bill

Couldn't your new touch settings be saved in a registration button,not something I have done ,but most things like that can be saved.

Previous keyboards-Yamaha PSR 410,Technics KN2000,KN5000,KN6000 , KN7000, Tyros5 and Genos


Hi Alan, yes if I make new Registrations it is saved but before I can make a new Registration I have to turn the Genos OFF to get the Touch Curve to work as I set it "Easy 2" I can't get back to "Easy 2" without switching off first.


Hi Bill

To update ALL your registrations so that the Touch is set to ON, Murray Best's Registration Manager will do the whole lot in one go.

The other thing is why do you have to turn the keyboard OFF and ON again. Why not just touch ASSIGNABLE BUTTON C.




Hi Bill I have to turn the Genos off because even though the touch curve shows it's set to "easy 2" it will not respond to this until I turn the Genos off wait a few minutes then back on again then it works as "easy 2".


Once you have touch response set as you want it have you then resaved it to the registration bank and then reloaded it to see if it holds it.


Touch settings like Easy 2 are global settings and don't save in registrations. What is causing problems for Bill is it appears some of his  Ty5 registrations or OTS's were saved with Initial Touch off and they are switching Initial Touch off on Genos which means Genos no longer uses the graded touch settings. On Tyros's there was an IT panel button and you could quickly reset it. None of the assignables can be assigned to it, unless I have missed something.

In the meantime to avoid having to turn off Genos it is possible to make a registration on Genos when it is in its normal desired operating state.  Make sure all ticks are on just to be sure. Then loading that reg hopefully should turn Touch back on. 
Alternatively any existing registration ex Tyros or Genos that has been saved when initial touch has been ON should work.
Subsequently edited

Bill, got it I hope! Please see next post J


When you are unable to get back to your Easy setting, if you go to Menu/ Keyboard and look at Initial Touch are there ticks missing from some or all of the 4 boxes for Left,  R1, etc?
If so I believe you should get back your touch if you now tick them.
Those boxes turn IT off and on,  and replace the Tyros Initial Touch panel button, simple when you know how ::)



I also noticed that registrations transferred from Tyros5 cause quieter sounds in Voice Select and Styles. Only turning off Genos and turning on restores the correct dynamics of the instrument. This is a serious problem and how to remedy this?


Hi Eileen, no, any Registrations I alter and save on Genos does not keep the Easy2. If I just try to use a Style with the OTS link on after I have used a Registration from my T5 and one of the OTS has a Piano voice in it this is where I notice that the Easy 2 is not working and the only way to get it back is to turn the Genos off then wait a while, I assume this time lapse is to give the capacitors chance to discharge which is holding the Touch information in a memory because if I switch back on after only a very short time the Touch is not reset to Easy 2. So the only way I can get back to Easy2 is to turn the Genos off and wait, as I have said, I can't just alter a Registration from my T5 that has the Touch turned OFF because if I just re-save it on the Genos when I try it again, even if I turn OFF the Genos and wait a while before trying that re-saved Registration again the Easy2 has not been saved, the Touch is still OFF. Therefore the only way I can do a new Registration after using one from my T5 is to turn the Genos OFF wait a while then start a new Registration from scratch. I very much doubt anyone else will be having this problem because it would only effect anyone trying to use the Touch response on the Genos if they didn't use it on thier previous keyboard, like me, therefore I doubt Yamaha would atempt to put this right for a very, very small number of people it will affect.
Thanks anyway for your ideas but it looks like I am going to have to do brand new Registrations on the Genos if I want to use the Easy2 not just amend the ones from my T5. At least I know about it now and hopefully if there is anyone else out there who is trying to do what I have done, that is to go from NO TOUCH on thier previous keyboard to using the TOUCH on the Genos they know what they must do before they can do it.
John, thanks but I do know about the ticks in the boxes in the Touch area and they are ticked.



Quote from: Bud2 on Jan 17, 2018, 03:07 PM
Hi Eileen, no, any Registrations I alter and save on Genos does not keep the Easy2. If I just try to use a Style with the OTS link on after I have used a Registration from my T5 and one of the OTS has a Piano voice in it this is where I notice that the Easy 2 is not working and the only way to get it back is to turn the Genos off then wait a while, I assume this time lapse is to give the capacitors chance to discharge which is holding the Touch information in a memory because if I switch back on after only a very short time the Touch is not reset to Easy 2. So the only way I can get back to Easy2 is to turn the Genos off and wait, as I have said, I can't just alter a Registration from my T5 that has the Touch turned OFF because if I just re-save it on the Genos when I try it again, even if I turn OFF the Genos and wait a while before trying that re-saved Registration again the Easy2 has not been saved, the Touch is still OFF. Therefore the only way I can do a new Registration after using one from my T5 is to turn the Genos OFF wait a while then start a new Registration from scratch. I very much doubt anyone else will be having this problem because it would only effect anyone trying to use the Touch response on the Genos if they didn't use it on thier previous keyboard, like me, therefore I doubt Yamaha would atempt to put this right for a very, very small number of people it will affect.
Thanks anyway for your ideas but it looks like I am going to have to do brand new Registrations on the Genos if I want to use the Easy2 not just amend the ones from my T5. At least I know about it now and hopefully if there is anyone else out there who is trying to do what I have done, that is to go from NO TOUCH on thier previous keyboard to using the TOUCH on the Genos they know what they must do before they can do it.
John, thanks but I do know about the ticks in the boxes in the Touch area and they are ticked.


Please take a few minutes and contact Yamaha to let them know about this. If it's as rare a problem as you have suggested, your report may be the only way to get it looked at.


Hi Bill

I agree about the comment relating to contacting Yamaha Support. However you do not need to redo all your registrations from scratch.

You can send me a copy of the registrations (no need to send any styles or pads) and I can do a batch conversion to turn on the Initial Touch.

You can send me a PM giving a link.  It will take less than 2 minutes to convert them for you.




This is not about the initial touch function, the dynamics of the keyboard work correctly.
The problem is that after pressing registration with T5 generally Genos keyboard and factory styles have a lower volume and you can not do anything about it. The problem is solved by turning off and then turning on Genos.
Regards- Anatol


Hi Bill, thanks for your kind offer but I have hundreds of them so I am going to get the software you suggest and do it myself. Thanks once again. I will let Yamaha know but as I say they will not do anything as there will be only a handful of people who it affects.


Quote from: lut112 on Jan 17, 2018, 05:05 PM
This is not about the initial touch function, the dynamics of the keyboard work correctly.
The problem is that after pressing registration with T5 generally Genos keyboard and factory styles have a lower volume and you can not do anything about it. The problem is solved by turning off and then turning on Genos.
Regards- Anatol

With the greatest respect Anatol, this thread IS about the Touch ON & OFF Feature that was on the Tyros 5.  Maybe if you want help with your problem you should create a NEW Thread.





Just a thought Bill but when you saved your Tyros banks did you have the touch button switched off. If so you need to put it to the ON position when resaving the eight buttons in the banks.


Hi Bill

No problem.  I have attached the Link for program  below.

Remember that the program can do each registration individually BUT it can also do hundreds in one go using the Batch feature --- It is brilliant.




Hi Eileen, I assume you mean the Easy2 touch setting on the Genos, if so then yes the T5 Registration doesn't turn it OFF, at least it always shows it is on but just doesn't work and I have tried all sorts of things to get it to work but the only way I can get it to work once I have used a T5 Registration is to turn the Genos OFF wait a while and then ON again.
Thanks for your thoughts though, it is a good one and as I said because this problem will only affect a handful of people then I can't see Yamaha doing anything.
Cheers Bill