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Mike Mixon Pianoamerica custom GENOS EZplay Book setups

Started by edtek, Aug 31, 2018, 05:08 PM

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I don't care for the EZplay books but I bought these books from Mike to get his custom GENOS USB which comes with the bundles. 

He does a song a week (posted on Youtube) from one of the songbooks in the bundles.  He creates a custom style for the song with a special OTS setup.  He also creates a registration for each song with the custom style, tempo etc.  He also copies the pages of each song with his notes and mods (legal I guess since you have to buy the books).

The USB includes the styles, regs and the copies of the song pages with his additions.   He emails updates when he does a new song.

I've posted an index of the songs in his two 5 book bundles in the EZplay songbook forum which might be useful to others.