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Joe's Master MF file for T5 with 2100 songs

Started by adrianed, Jun 23, 2017, 07:44 PM

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Hi Folks,

I downloaded the master Music Finder file for T5 with 2100 songs and was surprised that many of the songs have Zouk styles

It wouldn't load onto Music Finder View so I couldn't look at it there so I just loaded it onto my T5

Could Joe have deliberately allowed Zouk styles into the master MF file, I am I bit baffled and too inexperienced to change it myself but I am sure some of the songs should not have Zouk styles



Ed B

Hi Adrianed
I took a look at the T5 file and the first down load only has 2 styles in it using Zouk. You must have got the Master MFD which has some added uses for the Zouk style.
Here is the Yamaha link for the USA or you can go up the page and get the pure Yamaha MFD .
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It is to be noted that there are some differences in the MFD files on different Yamaha regions.
Ed B
Keep on learning


Hi Ed B

Thankyou for your reply.

Joe's Master Mf file for the T5 is not the Mf file produced by Yamaha, its one that he made up from a few other players and other sources.

I just cant see Joe making a MF file for the T5 that has styles that are so far unsuitable for a given song, the problem must be something I am not getting right

I hope Joe will respond to this post because he created the MF master file in 2016  but I didn't address the query directly to him because I am sure he is already under enough pressure just running the website.

Thankyou again  Ed for your reply




Adrian, I may be wrong and I can't remember where I read it, but I'm sure that Zouk is sometimes used as a substitute when the correct style can't be found on the system.



Hi Ronnie,

Yes Ronnie, I think MusicFinder View does that but I didn't expect over 600 Zouk's on the T5




You should not get this many styles replaced by the 'Default' style if you save an MFD from 'MusicFinder View'!  What version of the program are you using?  Make sure that after setting the 'Target Instrument' in the program, you click on any other field to change the 'focus' of the mouse scroll wheel.  If you don't, then if you use the scroll wheel you will inadvertently change the target keyboard to one which may then not contain the styles used in the records!

I have downloaded the T5 MFD from both the PSR Tutorial site and the Yamaha official site, and they both load into 'MusicFinder View' without problems, and in either, there are only two records which use the style 'Zouk'.

You said that the file that you downloaded would not load into 'MusicFinder View'!

The file from the Yamaha site is a 'Zip' archive and should be un-zipped before trying to use it, but the download from the  'PSR Tutorial' site is not 'zipped' and should load into the keyboard or 'MusicFinder View' without any additional steps.   Are you perhaps being confused by the initial warning message that opens when you load an MFD into 'MusicFinder View'?  This is simply a warning about a problem that a user had experienced after editing a  large MFD with the program.   It does not indicate that there is a problem with the MFD that you are trying to load, and if you simply click on 'OK', the program should load your selected file. 

As Ronnie ('browzer') has already said, if you save the MFD from 'MusicFinder View', any styles that the program thinks are not on the selected keyboard will be replaced with a 'default' style, which in the latest releases of the program vary with the keyboard selected. 

For the Tyros5 this default is 'SchlagerRock'.  The style 'Zouk' is currently the default for 'Tyros3' MFDs, but you can select your own default, so if you are using an old version of 'MusicFinder View', or have changed the Tyros5 default in the latest versions, this may be why you are seeing so many records apparently using 'Zouk', but I have to say that with the two T5 MFDs mentioned at the beginning of this reply, it sounds unlikely!

There are a couple of errors in the names of T5 styles in the '.dat' file that 'MusicFinder View' uses for the preset T5 styles, but even if the official Yamaha MFD had been loaded into the program and then saved from it, this would not produce the 600 records using the 'Zouk'  style that you claim!




Hi Ian,

I have managed to load the Mf file into MusicFinder View and it has 2100 files, 660 are listed as Zouk all loaded for T5

Its on the website as  Joe's Master MF file for T5 with 2100 songs

I could even send you the Mf file if I had your email address if you would just like to see it for yourself

I have only just confirmed it myself by using MusicFinder View, I just took a while to load

Being as it does have so many Zouk's I have used another MF file for my keyboard



Hi Adrian,

I now realise that the MFD file that you referred to is Joe's 'Master MFD' (there is a clue in the thread title! :-[).  I assume that you downloaded the Tyros5 version.

When I said in my last reply that I had downloaded the T5 MFD from both the PSR Tutorial site and the Yamaha official site, the one from  PSR Tutorial was the one from the 'Corrected Yamaha MFD Files' list on the 'MusicFinder Databases' page.  I think that this is the actual Yamaha one, and both these MFDs contain just two records that use the 'Zouk' style for real!

As you have already said in an earlier reply, Joe's 'Master MFD' was originally made for a PSR-2000 and combines a number of different MFDs available back then.

He has since used 'MusicFinder View' to produce versions for other keyboards as listed on the web page.  However when he did this he did not specifically modify any records that used a style not on a particular keyboard.  Instead he set the MFV Default style (which is used to replace any styles not on that specific keyboard) to 'Zouk'.  So when he saved each specific keyboard version, any records that used styles not on that keyboard had the style replaced with Zouk.   As you say, in the T5 version,  there are 660 records which use Zouk, which means that in the original 'Master MFD' there were 660 records that either used a style not on the T5, or actually already used Zouk as the style.

Regarding why Joe did this, if you look at the bottom of the download page you will see an explanation of what Joe did for another MFD that he made, and here he more or less says that he used Zouk as the default 'MusicFinder View' style because it would be patently obvious to anyone looking at the records that the Zouk style was not appropriate for that song.  It therefore acts as a sort of search 'flag'  which can be used by users to find all these records easily and modify them with a suitable style from their keyboard.  I suspect that the same reasoning was used when he made the 'Master MFD' versions for the various keyboard models.

I assume that you have now got a copy of the Yamaha 'full' Tyros5 MFD (you can get if from Ed B's link if not).




Hi Ian,

You are right on target this time and thankyou for pointing out the reasoning for the Zouk styles

Yes I have loaded the Yamaha styles for now, 1800 songs I think including some foreign names.

In a dilemma about deleting the foreign ones, the instrumental  in some of them sounds quite nice and might be useful

Best Regards,




Here is the Yamaha Tyros 5 one.

[attachment deleted by admin]




  Thank you Eileen.  I am looking forward to adding these to my genos.  Regards, Bob