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Deciding to stick with your T5?

Started by agoldstraw, Dec 07, 2017, 12:48 PM

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Well, I finally gave in and have sold my Korg PA4X, and am on my way back to being a Yamaha user. Of course, I could go and get the 'latest and greatest' and score a Genos, but it is quite tempting to be content with a clean, used T5-76 and save a chunk of money. If you decided to hang on to your T5 for now (other than the obvious financial reasons), I'd be interested to hear about your decision?


I must agree with you. Tyros5 is more than enough for any keyboard player who has creativity. Like an old saying: "It's not the keyboard, but the keyboardist", to me, this is true to some extent. In addition to that,  if you can invest on those Yamaha Premium Packs offered by Musicsoft, your Tyros5 becomes a Beast. Happy playing.
Yamaha PSR-SX-900, JBL EON ONE Linear-Array PA System.
"We are Old Too quick... and Wise too late."

Al Ram

I will sell my Tyros 5 -in perfect condition- late January/early february.

Have a great day.

San Diego/Tijuana


I'm sticking to my T5-76 as well. And although financial reasons are part of it they are not the most important reasons for me.
As a visual impaired person I really dislike the touchscreen especially since it can not be lifted into an upright position handling the screen is nearly impossible for me. Other reasons are that I think (after testing and listening to it) the changes aren't that big in the more traditional parts. The things that do stand out don't really have my interest. Almost everything is improved overall but not enough (for me at least) to take the dive. I don't say it isn't a great arranger and worth it's money if you are upgrading from an older keyboard.
I bought a new T5 half a year ago when Genos was still a rumour and I don't regret it, even now I don't.

I will wait and enjoy my T5 till the next generation of Genos arrives in? 3-4 years? Perhaps by then the leap is big enough to buy one. An alternative for Telmo's statement: You can buy a Formula 1 car but if you don't know how or can not drive one to it's limits perhaps a Mercedes is the wiser choice ;)
Still fast enough to "drive" others crazy and.... more comfort on top of that :P






Yes, am a tyros 5 keeper without financial considerations.  Pretty much reasons being cerebral, asthetic and more than enough than
can handle at the moment.   I will however want to jump on the upgraded S970, hopefully in a few years time.
The recent genos style conversions has been a real treat and boost to my decision.   In no way does this decision reflect on any
of the new genos owners and wish them joyful playing.  ;) :)

cheers as always
\\\"I have suffered for my music, now it\\\'s your turn\\\"   Neil Innes


Thanks for the feedback, guys. On reflection, I've decided to go with the Genos mostly because I will be using it on cramped stages and the smaller dimensions will be helpful (as well as the reduced weight – I have a long-term back issue I need to watch) – black will look better on stage; a small point, I know... Also, the improved piano will also be helpful in the odd gig where I might have to use the Genos as my only board. I already have a Yamaha CP4 stage piano, which has the CFX sample too, so it's kind of a known quantity. Going to wait until after Christmas, though, with an eye on getting a potentially better deal.


I am sticking with the Tyros 5 due to the lack of "Indian Packs" on the Genos. Would have loved to get the Genos, but very disappointed with Indian Packs not there or even on the horizon for the near future from Yamaha.



Tyros 5 forever  :) :) I love it



Yes, I'm staying with my T5 as well for 3 major reasons:

  • I've invested too much time already in re-voicing all 500+ working Registrations and MIDI's and re-made quite a lot of them from scratch using new styles, and still improving and expanding even more.
  • In my opinion, it's not so much of an update for the price of the Genos, and money does not grow on the trees where I live.
  • It is still VERY capable and beautifully sounding keyboard.
The only major reason that I'll someday get Genos or it's successor, it's gonna be because of the extra DSP power, since I begun to enjoy and rely on DSP quite heavily as soon I as bought my T5 after more than 10 years of playing in my old 9000Pro as my main keyboard, I just enjoy it too much. Than, having said that, yeah....there'll probably be some time before I decide to change my T5 for something that is worth the upgrade, both for the $$$ and features. ;D


Well I have decided to stay with my T5 for much the same reasons as Valio. I feel I would probably appreciate the ease of access of many of the features of the Genos but I feel the T5 is still a great keyboard and I'm happy to keep with it, especially having just bought a V-Console and have now spent even more time on my existing registrations.
However, what I'm thinking of is next year buying decent speakers to stop me constantly fiddling with the equaliser settings, I would like an overall warmer sound! 


Quotewhat I'm thinking of is next year buying decent speakers t
If I may, I would like to suggest the new DBR line from Yamaha. I use the Dbr-15 to play at church and it sounds awesome.
Yamaha PSR-SX-900, JBL EON ONE Linear-Array PA System.
"We are Old Too quick... and Wise too late."


Quote from: keyplayer on Dec 10, 2017, 06:47 AM
......... having just bought a V-Console and have now spent even more time on my existing registrations.
However, what I'm thinking of is next year buying decent speakers to stop me constantly fiddling with the equaliser settings, I would like an overall warmer sound!

Hey Pam,

V-Console undoubtedly is a great addition to T5, loads of flexibility.....although it's a bit pricey, I'm sure it's worth the investment.

As for speakers, I would happily recommend Yamaha's DBR series as well. They are on the budget side, and offer plenty of bang-for-your-buck. The price difference from the more expensive DXR and DSR series comes mainly from the choice of materials for the box itself, they share more or less same drivers and internals, plus some more bells and whistles.
I have bought x2 DBR10 this summer and paired them to a sub, and I cannot tell you how happy I am. I use only the tops in small venues for small pubs and bars for up to 100 people, and take the sub for larger venues only. They provide more than reasonable low end for their size if you use the D-contour bass boost setting on the back panel, you can push them very loud before they start to clip (129db). They have very transparent sound and are very pleasant to the ears at all levels.
If you like to have more low end without sub, definitely consider getting DBR 12 or 15, depending on your budget, but you won't be disappointed with either of them, believe me.



As a long-time Tyros4 owner, I wish I hadn't read this thread, because if so many are going to stick with T5, I shall find it harder to pick up a T5 bargain. I've ruled out the Genos.


Alan E

Staying with my T5.

Main reasons are,

1. As a home player cannot justify the expense of a new board.

2.I play in a very small L shaped room and the area in which the keyboard is placed will not take a Genos 76 key. I know it's only about 3 inches longer than the Tyros but unless I knock a wall down it will not go into the space.

3 It's taken me a long time to conquer the T5 and I'm still only one tenth of the way there.

4. With the help of this forum I am getting the Genos styles ( thanks to Peter alias Xeenix )

5. I also have a Ketron SD7 and the two boards together make a mighty nice sound.

6. I bought my lovely wife a new Ipad Pro to replace her old Ipad 2 and they are not cheap but she is worth every penny and a lot more.

Alan.   ;D ;D ;D

Yamaha Tyros 5   Ketron SD7


Valio - V-Console is worth the investment in my opinion, I have a T5 TRX system with bass pedals and it allows me to add more voices to both keyboards and pedals. It also is very user friendly for editing voices but I have only had it for just over a month so I will review it more in a few weeks. 

Telmo and Valio - many thanks for your recommendations for the Yamaha DBR series speakers, I have just now been reading about them on google and they seem worth considering, I will certainly invetigate them further in the new year.
I run a weekly tea dance (playing CD tracks from my laptop) and was hoping to buy speakers that will be a spare emergency back up to the system I already have and they will be conveniently stored at home connected to my T5 set up, ha ha. so I will need to consider the size of the hall too, but I don't see any problem. I had also been considering the Yamaha Stagepas 400, do you have any experience with them?
This should probably be moved to a new thread now but I don't know how to.


Just thought I'd update you all about how this little story ends. After agonising about the decision for a couple of weeks, I finally bought a very lightly used T5/76. In the end, I just couldn't justify spending nearly twice as much on the Genos. Our central heating boiler also needs a fairly costly repair urgently, too, so that decided the matter. I'm happy I made the right call.


Quote from: agoldstraw on Dec 15, 2017, 09:10 AM...I finally bought a very lightly used T5/76. In the end, I just couldn't justify spending nearly twice as much on the Genos. Our central heating boiler also needs a fairly costly repair urgently, too, so that decided the matter. I'm happy I made the right call.
Hi, I see that you followed exactly the same route that I just did a couple of weeks ago when I bought a mint condition T5/76. It would have cost me very close to £3,000 on top of my T4 for a Genos, and (for what I do) that would have been sheer madness! 😮

I've seen that old proverb "there are no pockets in shrouds" appearing umpteen times on these forum boards, but that's only applicable (IMHO) to those who have stacks of savings tucked away, and have no loved ones to think of their comfort after they're gone! For me though (if I do manage to evade the 'shroud' for a few more years!), then finding the money for things like home/car maintenance and repairs, food & fuel bills etc. sure as hell becomes the utmost financial priority if I'm to enjoy a reasonable level of comfort for myself and my family!

Enjoy your T5/76... I'm certainly enjoying mine! 😄👍

Kind regards,

Robert van Weersch

I've also decided to stick with the T5 for a while because for me personally, the cost of upgrading (EUR 2200) is not worth it. I'm opting for a dual-setup with a second hand synth (like a MOXF) to get the features I now miss on the T5 (and Genos!!) like arps and the level of voice control. I tried a dual setup some time ago, and I really liked the way of playing with two keyboards. Usually, when playing in the band, I use splits, and although 76 keys always suffice, it is easier to use two separate keyboards. I'll have to buy a new stand then too :)
Yamaha Tyros 5 76
Korg Liverpool (microArranger)


I will stick with the T5 for now then look at the next Genos generation 3-4 years my T5 is only 3 years old and at the moment it has more than enough to keep me playing happy.


I'm a new Tyros 5 lover/owner and decided not to go with the Genos for price/not enough reasons to buy against the T5.

Based on the deal I received, I spent $3,000 less than getting a Genos for a brand new T5 with speakers.  Too good of a deal to pass up for such a great keyboard.



I'm sticking with mine I think I was quoted £2395 plus my Tyros 5.
I could buy a pa4x for that kind of money and have the best of both worlds.
So I might wait a little longer before I decide what I'm going to do.



The Tyros 5 does everything I want in a keyboard and see no good reason to follow the 'must buy the latest' just because it's there.  I've only had the tyros 5 a few months now and find it superb and with unlimited storage and expansions capabilities see it as future proof for my needs.  I also prefer the pop up screen and menu selection buttons rather than touch screen taking over a lot of the functions.
   The Tyros is still an awesome keyboard and always will be for the foreseeable future!


Bonjour , j'ai décidé de garder mon..T5 .il me reste encore beaucoup à découvrir avec ...
J'ai mon tyros 5 ajouté la carte Mutec 2048.. Dans l'expansion j'ai crée un pack UVD avec tous les kits de batterie que je possède. Cela me permet de refaire mes styles avec ces UDV... Génial..
J'ai ajouté en 2ème clavier le Pegasus Wing de chez Wersi ...Magnifique clavier ..Je l'utilise surtout pour la main droite , les sons sont Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login main gauche ( tyros5 )
L'écran du Wing est le même que le génos ( 10' et tactile ) rapidité d'accès .
Quand je changerai , je m'orienterai vers le PSR.9??.
Bonne journée
Jean Pierre 

Hello, I decided to keep my..T5 .I still have a lot to discover with ...
I have my tyros 5 added Mutec card 2048 .. In the expansion I created a UVD pack with all the drum kits that I own. This allows me to redo my styles with these UDV ... Great ..
I added in 2nd keyboard the Pegasus Wing from Wersi ... Beautiful keyboard ..I use it especially for the right hand, the sounds are Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login left hand (tyros5)
The screen of the Wing is the same as the genos (10 'and touch) speed of access.
When I change, I will move to the PSR.9 ??
Have a good day
Jean Pierre

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Hi Pam.Have just seen your thread re speakers.I use the Stagepas 400 speakers & think they are great & also so lightweight if you carry the mixer separately.I also have the Stagepas 600's which I bought for bigger venues but unfortunately don't have that big a venue to use them Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login will be interesting to see when I start using pedals with a deeper bass how the 400's cope!!!. :)


Hi Larry, many thanks for your advice on the Stagepas 400. After consideration I've just about decided that I am going to go down that route, I have had very similar comments from David L. I'm just waiting for the local shop to offer a good deal, then I need to get my credit card out!


I agree with you all. With Tyros-5 you can fly as high as your creativity can take you. Let me show you what I mean:
Yamaha PSR-SX-900, JBL EON ONE Linear-Array PA System.
"We are Old Too quick... and Wise too late."


Quote from: poinsot on Jan 14, 2018, 02:17 AMI added in 2nd keyboard the Pegasus Wing from Wersi ... Beautiful keyboard ..
Hello Jean Pierre. One of the things I've always liked about Wersi is the fact that they give you proper Hammond-type drawbars... even on a portable keyboard! What is it with Yamaha? Why do they still only give us 'pretend' drawbars by way of up/down buttons, or sliders at best... is it something to do with copyright? Yet, Wersi (and Orla, actually) have done it for years!

Kind regards,


Quote from: Will49 on Jan 14, 2018, 06:36 PM
Why do they still only give us 'pretend' drawbars by way of up/down buttons, or sliders at best... is it something to do with copyright? Yet, Wersi (and Orla, actually) have done it for years!

Hi Will --

It's most probably due to cost. It's not just the cost of the real drawbars themselves, but the need to physically accommodate those sliding thingies in the mechanical design of the chassis, etc.

It's easier and cheaper to mount slide potentiometers or switches on a printed circuit board and have them poke up through a simple molded (or cut) front panel. Even Nord and other clone makers use this approach to cut cost.

Hope this explanation helps -- pj

P.S. I'd love the real deal, too -- at a reasonable price.  ;)