Music Finder Preset file saving only default presets

Started by frozzers, Jan 10, 2018, 03:30 AM

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I'm trying to copy my MF Preset file to USB stick.

Currently, my MF has 1653 songs but the Preset copy that goes to the stick only contains 137 songs which I think is the original number of songs in the Tyros 5 database.

I'm sure I'm doing it right but for the record here's what I do:

1. From Music Finder screen, select 'Files'
2. From Preset tab, select 'Copy'
3. Tab to USB tab, select 'Paste'.

I then load the 'MusicFinderPreset.mfd' from the USB stick into 'MusicFinderView' but, as I said, it only contains 137 records.

Am I doing something wrong or could this be another glitch (Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login) with my Tyros 5?

Any help gratefully received!

Clavinova CVP-909, DGX-670



Try using only 2 steps

1: From Music Finder screen, select 'Files' (don't press copy)
2: Tab to USB tab, select 'Save'




That did it! I've now got a full backup. Thanks very much.

Have you any idea why the normal process didn't work?

Clavinova CVP-909, DGX-670



The "MusicFinderPreset" file you see in the preset tab is not the file that you are trying to save but is the actual preset file that comes with the T5, never load this file and choose overwrite or you will lose all your loaded records and return the T5 to the default MFD. The procedure has always been a bit confusing since the T3 and copy and paste should only be used when moving files and not when saving them. Only other advice I can give is always rename when saving to avoid any mix ups when reloading.




Yes it's certainly confusing because a. it was a 'copy and paste' operation without the 'copy' and b. the file that got pasted to the USB stick was called 'MusicFinderPreset.mfd'. Very strange.

Anyway, it's sound advice and I'll remember to follow it in future. Thanks again.

Clavinova CVP-909, DGX-670