Problema PSR S 770 Internal Hardware Error

Started by Victor Blade, Jan 06, 2018, 06:11 AM

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Victor Blade

Ciao a tutti. Questa sera la mia PSR s 770 mi ha fatto un brutto scherzo, mentre la suonavo ad un certo punto ha fatto una serie di rumori (dei click come quello che fa all'accensione) e poi sul display è uscita la scritta "internal hardware error"... Non funzionava più, non rispondeva ai comandi, nemmeno lo spegnimento...ho provato a staccare il cavo di alimentazione due volte, ma all'accensione compariva sempre lo stesso messaggio " Internal hardware errore"..poi ho staccato di nuovo il cavo di accensione, l'ho lasciata spenta per un pò, e quando poi l'ho riaccesa ha funzionato. Ma cosa è successo?...è il caso di portarla in assistenza?...mi potrà di nuovo fare lo stesso scherzo?   :'( :'( :'(

Hello to all. This evening my PSR s 770 made me a bad joke, while I played it at some point made a series of noises (of clicks like the one that does at power up) and then on the display came out the words "internal hardware error" "... It did not work anymore, it did not respond to the commands, not even the shutdown ... I tried to unplug the power cord twice, but at power up the same message always appeared" Internal hardware error ".. then I disconnected the ignition cable was new, I left it off for a while, and when I turned it on again it worked. But what happened? ... is it necessary to bring her to assistance? ... Will she be able to do the same joke again?   :'( :'( :'(




Hi Victor,

Without more information from you, it is very difficult to figure out what caused the anormally of your PSR-S770.

Did your PSR-S770 go through extreme temperature changes such as being left in your car outside of your house in very cold weather for a few hours, then brought inside the house?  If you do not wait enough time for the keyboard to warm back up to the interior temperature, condensation might form inside your PSR-S770, which could cause the internal electronic components "short circuit".  Later, when the condensation inside your PSR-S770 completely evaporated, your keyboard began to function properly.  If this was the case, it was normal and expected.

Drake posted temperature change induced malfunction of his PSR-S950 - he left his S950 in a room with heating off at night, and heating on during the day, condensation inside the keyboard caused Right Hand out of key problem:
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Drake left his S950 turned on, which warmed up and got rid of the condensation inside, then his S950 started to function normal.


Victor Blade

Buonasera Paul. No, nessun cambiamento di temperatura. Ho suonato premendo forti i tasti e dopo un pò  ha iniziato a fare quei click tipico dell'accensione come ho detto nel post precedente.Però, se può essere rilevante, ho appoggiato il cellulare a terra sopra l'alimentatore. Forse sarà dipeso da questo?..non so...perché poi dopo vari tentativi accendendo la e spegnendola, ha ripreso a funzionare correttamente. Oggi l ho accesa e spenta due volte, e l ho usata, non mi ha dato problemi.

Victor Blade

Quote from: EileenL on Jan 06, 2018, 08:15 AM
In English Please.
Hello to all. This evening my PSR s 770 made me a bad joke, while I was playing it at some point made a series of noises (of clicks like the one that does at power up) and then on the display came out the words "interinal hardware error" "... It did not work anymore, it didn't respond to the commands, not even the shutdown ... I tried to unplug the power cord twice, but at power up the same message has always appeared
"Interinal hardware error".. then I disconnected the ignition cable, I left it off for a while, and when I turned it on again it worked. But what happened? ... is it necessary to bring it to assistance? ... Will it be able to do the same joke again?


Hi Victor,

Thanks for clarifying that it is not a temperature change related problem.

How long have you had your PSR-S770?  If it is still under warranty, you should get it fixed by a Yamaha Service Center.  If your keyboard is already out of warranty, you should still contact Yamaha Customer Service for your area for help in troubleshooting this intermittent hardware issue.

There is an old discussion thread that discussed a similar situation, "PSR S750 Internal Hardware Error", which is invaluable in giving you ideas of debugging and isolating the scope of your S770 internal hardware error.
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In your case, since you mentioned a series of click sounds just before "Internal Hardware Error" screen showed up, you may want to contact Yamaha Customer Support to have a support engineer walk you through a boot-up diagnostics on your PSR-S770 to further narrow down the scope of this internal hardware error.  You may end up having to ship your PSR-S770 to a Yamaha Service Center or repair agent to have it fixed.



Good evening Paul. No, no temperature changes. I played by pressing the keys and after a while started to make those typical clicks of the ignition as I said in the previous post.Pero, if it may be relevant, I placed the phone on the ground above the power supply. Maybe it will depend on this? .. I do not know ... because then after several attempts turning on and off, it has started to work properly. Today I turned it on and off twice, and I used it, it did not give me problems.

To me, it sounds like a power problem. First and foremost, was the power supply hot to the touch? If so, there is some sort of overload taking place, if not, then my next guess would be a cold solder joint on the power supply connector inside the keyboard. This would require the services of an authorized service center to take care of. Because these printed circuit boards are soldered by machines, only an initial check for conductivity is performed as they come off the machine, then the boards are placed in the keyboard by hand, screwed in place and the connectors are connected to the various printed circuit boards by hand. Sometimes, those connections are not as solid as they need to be, and some work themselves lose during transportation.

Hope this helps,

Gary 8)
Love Those Yammies...

Victor Blade

La tastiera però ora funziona correttamente. È il caso che la porti ugualmente ad un centro di assistenza?


Hi Victor,

You have not answered my question - how long have you owned your PSR-S770?  Is it still under warranty?

Your PSR-S770 is working now, but it does not hurt for you to call Yamaha customer support in your area (Italy?) to run some boot diagnostics on your keyboard.  If the Yamaha technical support engineer decides that your keyboard needs to be repaired, then you ship it to their repair center to get it fixed.

Yamaha customer support page for Italy:
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Love Those Yammies...