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Audio Styles: Style Creator

Started by Marcus, Jan 05, 2018, 12:33 PM

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Audio Styles: Style Creator
I am in my third week with my Genos. Finally loaded some Expansion from the YEM, most of my updated Premium Packs, and uploaded all the [Bonus (Tyros 5) Audio Style Packs] via the YEM. Any previously purchased Audio Style expansion packs will be available to download (as per Tyros 5 Premium Pack conversion schedule for Genos) as they become available around February/March 2018.

[Bonus Audio Style Packs] see bottom section (Other Downloads) from link.
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Once I loaded most of my relevant Premium Packs and custom expansion from the Yamaha Expansion Manager (YEM) to my Genos, all my transferred Tyros 5 Voice registrations worked properly. I still used the Wireless pack install method to transfer from the YEM to my Genos Expansion. On my Tyros 5, it typically took 40 minutes or so transfer 1 GB of expansion data. With all my Genos packs and the added bonus audio style packs, adding up to about 1.3 GB, it took only 20 minutes or so to transfer. So I guess maybe twice as fast on the Genos to transfer from the YEM wirelessly compared to my Tyros 5.

I love the Tyros 5 Audio styles and certainly worth the effort to upload these approximately 40 factory audio styles to your Genos. They sound excellent and reside in the Genos expansion folder categorized by genre. As most think or were misinformed that the previous Tyros 5 Audio styles would have the Audio Drum parts replaced with the Revo Drums in the Genos upgraded version was incorrect. The Genos does play "Audio Styles" and the original audio drum part, plus these upgraded Genos versions of the original Tyros 5 default audio styles were reworked with new Genos voicing/DSPs and OTS selections.

My present issue is, any selected Audio Style from the Genos expansion will "not" open in "Style Creator". Why, or is it an issue with only my Genos? You also cannot copy them to the Genos User drive. This is not unusual because one could not copy or transfer them on the Tyros 5, however one could open a Tyros 5 Preset Audio Style or one from the Expansion folder in "Style Creator", edit or not, and save it to the Tyros 5 User Drive. Why cannot you not do the same on the Genos? I hoped to cleanup my Genos Expansion Folder and simply re-save all the audio styles (via the Style Creator) to the large User Drive.

The Genos reference manual states, "Editing of Audio Styles is not available on firmware version 1.10 or before. It will be available in a future version upgrade."  We are on firmware version 1.10 presently, so I guess this option is not available yet. Just curious if anyone managed to get an audio style to open in Style Creator or I guess I just have to wait for the next firmware update? This update would not be just the usual minor bugs and would make fairly significant changes to the Genos OS, so I figure additional upgrades are in the works.

Cheers and Happy New Year

Joe H


Thank you for this post. You have answered some of my questions about the Genos.  There has been a LOT of moaning about the Genos so far.  But people like yourself who have technical skills and actually read the manuals demonstrate that the Genos is NOT that different in how it operates, but how you access the different functions.

You are breath of fresh air!


Joe H
Music is the Universal Language!

My Article: Using Multi Pads in registrations. Download Regs, Styles & MPs:


Quote from: Marcus on Jan 05, 2018, 12:33 PM

Just curious if anyone managed to get an audio style to open in Style Creator or I guess I just have to wait for the next firmware update? This update would not be just the usual minor bugs and would make fairly significant changes to the Genos OS, so I figure additional upgrades are in the works.

Cheers and Happy New Year

hi marcus
i get a window that says " this function is unavailable right now "
but audio style , it does play the audio drums ok


marcus if you still have your tyros 5 like me

can you test something for me please ?


Audio styles are not editable on any Yamaha Arranger Keyboard. Additionally, you cannot record an audio file on the keyboard's onboard recorder while using an audio style. Not sure if this is the case on the Genos, but it is on all the other boards with onboard audio recorders.

In order to do this, it would require two onboard recorder/players. No arranger keyboard that I know of has this feature.

Good luck,

Gary 8)
Love Those Yammies...


i think you can edit the remaining 7 voices
in an audio style, just not the audio drums.


Quote from: vanray on Jan 05, 2018, 04:58 PM
hi marcus
i get a window that says " this function is unavailable right now "
but audio style , it does play the audio drums ok
Great, thanks for the update. So it is not just my Genos then. Just have to wait for the next Genos firmware update. With a brand new OS, I am sure there is lots of room for improvements and perhaps some added functions.

As I work my way learning the new Genos navigation and menus, I am liking the touch screen more than I thought. I am just missing the availability "File Access" Tyros 5 memory path buttons with those buttons missing on the Genos. As much as I like the menu choices and options for the six Genos "Assignable Buttons", an extra option to make them 6 "File Access" memory buttons to one of the white function buttons above would be a nice added option. Like first pressing, say the white Style button above the assignable buttons, any combination of the six black assignable buttons can double as a "File Access" memory link button to any style folder or style location I choose. Same idea as a "File Access" memory link button for a Song file location by first pressing the white "Song" button or maybe a memory link to a custom voice folder by first executing the memory save by pressing the "Voice" button.

Any 6 assignable "File Access" memory button combinations can be made for each of the 6 white button categories. This was my initial guess on how the purpose of those assignable buttons was when the Genos was first introduced with the touch screen. I would use them this way, but perhaps most Genos Users would like the present menu function selections Yamaha gives us. I am sure Yamaha could rework such functions options in a future firmware update.

Other than this minor suggestion above, the Genos is superb so far, to say the least. The Genos "Style Creator" through means of the touch screen is actual easier than on the Tyros series. Silly to have two presses to access the Mixing Console while in Style Creator. Confirms where one can assign "Mixing Console" access to an Assignable button while in Style Creator or even assign a memory link to Style Creator itself through one of the six assignable buttons. Yamaha will work it out as the Genos OS was converted to touch screen navigation.



Quote from: vanray on Jan 05, 2018, 05:11 PM
i think you can edit the remaining 7 voices
in an audio style, just not the audio drums.
You are correct, this was possible on the Tyros 5. Also both the Tyros 5 and the Genos will record the Audio drum part or the full Audio Style to the Audio Recorder. I guess Audio Style edits could be made in the Genos Style Creator after the next firmware update.



5 Years of using my tyros 5
has left its mark in my brain

now the genos wants to un-mark my brain
by doing things differently , and my brain says: whhhhhaaaat !!!!!!!


Yes there is a small learning curve but this is good to keep the old grey cells working. You will soon get used to it. I to had Tyros 5 when it first came out four years ago but it is nice to learn new things.