Twist In My Sobriety-Tanita Tikaram style

Started by panos, Feb 03, 2018, 04:35 AM

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A style for this wonderful song made on a psr s750.
Twist in my sobriety - Tanita Tikaram 1988

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In Main C which is the Chorus I put a melodic part in F#m scale.
If you want to play the song in another scale just delete phrase 2 from main C.

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Covers on Youtube (live playing)
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Beginner, earlier PSR-S900 now Tyros 5


I Play The yamaha prs sx 720


You wellcome my friends.
Not professional as a Yamaha made but it is ok for the song.

Covers on Youtube (live playing)
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Mark Z.

Thanks Panos .
It is very good to see that members are sharing their own work .



Thanks, Panos!

I forgot what a great song this is. Shame on me.  :-[

-- pj


I love the 80's music and never got bored of this song since then.
I never understood the lyrics, or even the title of the song but when a song starts like this
"All God's children need traveling shoes..."
I just feel amazed by the beauty of the poetry in it.
And what a fantastic voice that Lady has.
So many nice sounds on my psr but human voice will always be the best "organ".
Covers on Youtube (live playing)
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Hi Panos,

I didn't download it but that just because I have too many things to do in so little time ;)
I listened to the demo though, you did a fine job!

kind regards,

p.s. I love that particular Tikaram song. The entire album for that matter :)
