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Step editing

Started by JohnS (Ugawoga), Dec 27, 2017, 01:12 PM

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JohnS (Ugawoga)

I am getting down to working out this Genos and it is quite different trying to find out simple tasks
I have managed to sort out a few things but the step edit is annoying me.
I want to cut a few notes out of a style I have just got and It is in the Phrase 2 section.
If I go to step edit I can edit Rythmn 1 and 2. Not the others

Is the drum parts of a style only editable as other parts in the style do not show the notes ,only a begining and an end bar.
May have to do this on a Pc.

Any help would be fantastic

All the best
Must be the whisky over  Christmas that has not worn off !! ;D
Genos 2     AMD RYZEN  9 7900  12 Core Processor 32 ram,   Focusrite Scarlet 4i4 4th Gen.

JohnS (Ugawoga)

Oh well, Got It sorted

Big Thanks to Mike Bedeseems Style unlocker.
With this smart tool It unlocks the style and you can see all the notes in step edit mode, so you can delte or do what you want with them.
I have got a style which bleeds over with a main lead in the Phrase section somehow.( The way it Is made to demonstrate the lead I suppose ,but somehow it got into Phrase 2
This gave a doubling effect when you want to start playing yourself .A little messy.
I then cut the offending notes out and the style starts at the point you need to start hammering away at the keys and away you go up Baker Street, oops!
I can now play the flute Intro over the Intro 3 background and come In with the Sax at just the right moment without those offending extra notes.
I do like to play song Intros as well and play endings rather that having to wait half an hour for the song to start!! :o ;D
Genos 2     AMD RYZEN  9 7900  12 Core Processor 32 ram,   Focusrite Scarlet 4i4 4th Gen.