USB Memory Stick - best size

Started by dianatoy, Dec 14, 2024, 08:59 AM

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What is the largest capacity memory stick any of you have used?  Is there a specific brand?
I just purchased an SX920.  My current memory sticks are 16gb and 32gb.

Thanks for any hints

Diana Toy


16Gb is likely to be more than enough for most needs. I believe the SX920 has 4Gb of onboard user memory which again is a reasonable amount. I tend to use my USB for transferring expansion libraries I've created in YEM and given the SX920 has only 2Gb of onboard expansion memory 16Gb should be plenty.

As to the brand, the main brands I use are either Sandisk or Lexar which I purchased specifically for my photography as they are known for performance, Kingston is another respected brand but to be honest, most USB's today will be just fine, just remember to keep ALL your files backed up, preferably on a computer.
Cubase 14 Pro / SpectraLayers 11 / Dorico 5 Pro / Genos 2 / Nektar P6 and P1 / Steinberg audio interfaces. Intel i7 with 64gb ram
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I've used several USB sticks over the past 15 years since buying a Clavinova then Genos, including a few no name USB sticks.  Max size I have is 64gb Sandisk as they were used in the kids TVs, but one of the no name ones is 512mb and has worked faultlessly in the Clavinova for over a decade now.  I've only ever had a failure on a relatively new Sandisk one.

Dave Nuttall

I've been using USB sticks on PSR-S910 and now Genos 1 for more than 13 years.  Most small and medium sized sticks (16/32/64Gb) seem to have an indefinite lifespan.  However, I have had 2-3 LARGE (128/256Gb) sticks by PNY that have failed or have developed bad sectors.  If I need to buy, I always look for SanDisk but with all the movement toward cloud storage, local retailers (i.e. BestBuy) don't seem to stock that brand in favor of PNY.  That makes me look to Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login or sometimes Wal-Mart.

One note, for what it is worth:  I ALWAYS make sure I EJECT any USB device (from the computer) before physically removing it.  And NEVER remove a USB stick from the keyboard while the keyboard is powered ON.
Genos1, ProTools, Cubase AI10, Win10,  BIAB-2025, Sibelius Ultimate, MixMaster, PRSUTI, StyleMagic, StyleWorks, and Baldwin SF-10 acoustic piano.


Agree with Dave; I have a 32gb that I need for keyboards that can't handle the higher current draw of the higher capacity sticks (PSRsx600, DGX670) but I haven't had to replace that one in years; my 128/256gb sticks I need to backup every few years because they do fail. Incidentally, the last time I didn't need to format the stick at all, just plug and play, was 128gb. Both the 256's I've needed to format; on windows 10 quick formatting was fine, but on windows 11? not so much. Ended up needing to format the 2nd 256 on the G2 itself


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Mark Wilburn


I'm using a 128GB Verbatim in my SX720with no issues since I got it in December (though I tend to prefer Kingston). Not deliberate, it was just what I had when I wanted a drive. I leave it plugged in the keyboard and use the Musicsoft program for transferring.
USB drives don't seem as reliable or long lasting compared to years back so I'll back it up now and again and keep the fingers crossed.
PSR S900 SX720