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Genos questions

Started by jdx100, Dec 22, 2017, 12:50 PM

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The multi pads on my Genos do not change when selecting a factory
style unless the OTS Link is selected .... is this normal or am I doing something wrong?
I do not have freeze selected for multipads by the way.

Also is there a way to just have the drums playing in drum set up
when editing and not the whole style?

One last thing ... anyone here from the UK got a Ketron SD9?
If so could I contact you .

Thanks for any replies .... and best wishes to everyone for the holiday.


That is normal with all Yamaha arranger keyboards as far as I know.

Good luck,

Gary 8)
Love Those Yammies...


Thanks for your reply Gary.

Joe H


The associated Multi Pads for each style are saved with each OTS. So if you don't have the OTS Link turned On... the the Multi Pads won't be loaded.

Joe H
Music is the Universal Language!

My Article: Using Multi Pads in registrations. Download Regs, Styles & MPs:




There seems to be a problem with multipad settings in the OTS with Genos.

The styles that were posted earlier on this site did not have multipad settings in the OTS section of the style files.  This was also true with others I received from Germany in support of my YRM update. 

Fred Smith's styles in the US did have multipad settings.

So if every style's OTS setting produces Steel8BeatStrum1 as the multipad, there are no multipad settings in the the styles.

I don't know how this gets fixed.

One can do without most things, but not without the pleasure of music.

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Murray, if the multipads do not change with the style change, it could be because that particular style does not have any multipads associated with it. I have styles like that on my PSR-S950.

Good luck,

Gary  8)
Love Those Yammies...

Joe H

Quote from: travlin-easy on Dec 22, 2017, 08:09 PM
Murray, if the multipads do not change with the style change, it could be because that particular style does not have any multipads associated with it. I have styles like that on my PSR-S950.

Good luck,

Gary  8)

I agree.

Joe H
Music is the Universal Language!

My Article: Using Multi Pads in registrations. Download Regs, Styles & MPs:


Sorry fellows, I have the 550 styles from Europe and the multipads are all set to 27 06.  Having copied 8,000 of these things from different styles into tables to support the YRM OTS voice load, I do understand how this part works.

One can do without most things, but not without the pleasure of music.

Check out my Registration Manager at:


I have always preferred to select a Multi Pad I want to use along with a style and saved it into the registration I will be using for that song.

Joe H


You may be thinking in terms of registrations. Not all Yamaha styles have Multi Pads saved in the OTS. I think it is just lazy programming on the part of Yamaha. That has been my experience. When people modify them... they may have added the MPs to OTS or when creating registrations... the Multi Pads are added.

I can't speak to the Genos styles.  It could be there are no MPs associated with the style files because of the new concept of the user choosing the MPs to modify the styles.

Joe H
Music is the Universal Language!

My Article: Using Multi Pads in registrations. Download Regs, Styles & MPs:



I'm talking about the on board styles from Genos, not registrations.  I had two sets Genos styles from Europe (different sources) where the OTS section of the style file (each track of the OTS) had the code 27 06.  Each style should have a different code at this point and the set Fred Smith provided to me did.

So if someone in Europe or any other location is not getting a mpad change with each style on the Genos, it's probably because the style OTS section doesn't have a proper code.

One can do without most things, but not without the pleasure of music.

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