A litlle "problem" I discovered with song sections.

Started by metcam, Dec 22, 2017, 05:31 AM

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Allways I use Registration memory as one song one Reg.Memory.

So I transferred all my registrations memory from T5 into Genos.

NOW strange thinks happened when I call Reg.memory with MIDI song memorized on Tyros5.

When I pres #1 botton MIDI song play in A player.
When  I pres #2 botton MIDI stop play and automatically is in B player ,ready to start.

So mostly 1,7 and 8 bottons are in A player

2,3,4,5,6 Same Song play in B player.

This happened only on some Registrations memory,NOT on all from Tyros5.

Al my setup,parameter lock,Freeze is same as was on Tyros5.

Any idea?

PS: I know I can memorise again in same player,,and if is not other way I will do it.The question is if is easier way or if I do something wrong?

Curent Instruments:  PSR A-5000
Previus instruments:SX-900,GENOS,PSR-A3000,PSR9000,Tyros2,Tyros3,TYROS5,psr2000,psr2100,psr1500,psr530,psr OR700,DX7,DX11,V50,DX21.
KORG:pa800,KORG PA-900,Triton Extreme,Triton rack,.KORG X3,Roland G600.Roland


So after a little research i discovered that:

All Registrations from A-3000 "Song" is in A player.

That is telling me Genos is confused with Tyros5 Registrations.
A-3000 have only 1 song player and Tyros5 have audio player plus.

So definitely is a small bug which need to be fixed.

Thank you.
Curent Instruments:  PSR A-5000
Previus instruments:SX-900,GENOS,PSR-A3000,PSR9000,Tyros2,Tyros3,TYROS5,psr2000,psr2100,psr1500,psr530,psr OR700,DX7,DX11,V50,DX21.
KORG:pa800,KORG PA-900,Triton Extreme,Triton rack,.KORG X3,Roland G600.Roland