Penny Lane Style recommendation in Genos?

Started by Del 123, Dec 20, 2017, 04:55 PM

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Del 123


I have been settling into my Genos and had this flare for playing Penny Lane (The Beatles)!

Can any of the Genos owners recommend and possibly direct me to a  style for Penny Lane on the Genos please? The timing is 6/8 and the tempo is around 100. I have opened an empty registration bank to load the song into.

Many thanks in anticipation.


Hi Darren

I seem to remember playing Penny Lane when I had the Tyros 5,I think I used a shuffle type of style, but can't remember which one.
I have a Genos and enjoy playing Beatles stuff, but haven't got round to this one yet

Previous keyboards-Yamaha PSR 410,Technics KN2000,KN5000,KN6000 , KN7000, Tyros5 and Genos

Bruce Breen

Hi Darren,
I have a PSR 2100 & S950 and use the Charleston style at around 120 on both...
What I like is that the style and the OTS lend themselves to the spirit of piece, however you might want to mimic the Beatles drumming a little more by selecting a different drum set.

I also have a 2 page lead sheet (melody, chords & lyrics) I wrote which includes the trumpet solo, so if you need it let me know.
Bruce Breen
playing a PSR-S950, PSR-2100 & Piano Accordion

Del 123

Hi both thank you for your advice and help.

Alan, I am always interested in Beatles stuff and generally I lean towards just using the piano voices. However, since going to a Beatles Bootleg gig last year I have this thing about the PennyLane song. I recently had a short break in Liverpool and went to the Cabin Club to listen to Beatle tribute band/ singers and visited some of the Beatle sites around the city - Penny Lane, Strawberry Fields and the grave of Eleanor Rigby!

Bruce, thank you for your useful information on styles and tempo. I will steer towards your recommendations and give the Genos a bash! Thank you for your kind offer but I already have some sheet music and I will pass on the trumpet solo but will endeavor to create something and put it in the multi pads.

Have a great Christmas


Hi Darren,

The style suggested by Yamaha or Penny Lane in several of their Music Finder Database files is 'BritPopSwing', Main Variation B at 115 BPM.

The MF records also start the style with Intro 2, but you might want to just start with the Main!

I've checked the Genos Data list and there is a version of this style in the 'Pop' category.

I've tried it on my Tyros4 and the T4 version does work quite well.  It also works for Slade's 'Merry Chistmas Everybody' which might be useful at this time of the year.   ;)




Hi Darren,

Here's my T4 version of Penny Lane - maybe it sound good on Genos.

Regards <> Piet

[attachment deleted by admin]
Yamaha Tyros 4 - Yamaha KX 25 - Gem WSII module

Del 123

Cheers Piet,

I will check this out.

Have a great Christmas.


Hi Darren

I have a book for Beatles songs "Easy Guitar Edition" although it says guitar ,it is easily used for keyboard,it has  205 songs in it written mostly in easy Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login is still available, the only problem I found with was that it will not stay open very well,so I cut off the spine and adapted it for comb binding,now ,no problem.

Best wishes


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Previous keyboards-Yamaha PSR 410,Technics KN2000,KN5000,KN6000 , KN7000, Tyros5 and Genos


Thanks, Alan! That key is a whole lot easier to finger than the original (B).

-- pj

Bruce Breen

Here's my 2 page version in C (much easier than B, that's for sure!), with the trumpet solo.

[attachment deleted by admin]
Bruce Breen
playing a PSR-S950, PSR-2100 & Piano Accordion

Del 123

Thank you all again for your help and downloads ...this is brilliant. I now have a bit of work to do to set up this style and start building it into my registration bank. I found a in my old books a piano music score for Penny Lane and currently getting familiar with the song on piano voices.

Merry Christmas to you all.