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Yamaha Repertoire Finder

Started by karl28, Nov 07, 2017, 10:37 AM

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I've just downloaded the app and it sees my genos but it wont allow me to log in through Facebook. I'm signed into Facebook on the Facebook app but I can't find an option to log in as it tells you to on the Repertoire app in ios settings.
I feel like I've looked everywhere but not having any look.-)



Hi Karl
I have this problem as well - it seems Apple no longer allow this as part of the latest security updates. It would be good if we had to option to log in some other way. Maybe we will get an update some time.


Hi Steve,

Thanks for confirming this problem. No doubt it will work in a firth update.




Only works on Tyros 5 , Yamaha needs to update or make a new version .
But i have used it for the T5 , but ther are not as much user how share there registration , and the most are very poor quality

Arno  :)
Genos & YC61 and Tannoy Gold 5 Monitors
My You Tube Channel :


Thanks Arno. I normally make my own anyway and happy to share.




Yes it's right that Apple have stopped the Facebook log in option with their latest iOS updates but, if you've got an old iPad (or iPhone), you should still be able to log in via Facebook. I've got an iPad 2 and an iPad Mini both of which stopped updating at iOS 9.3.5 (the latest iOS for newer models is 11.2.1) and have logged in successfully to the Repertoire app.

The Repertoire app, as far as I can tell, only shows new uploads and there's no easy access to what must be a huge database of registrations users have uploaded. You can search for a particular song but that gets a bit tiresome as the ones you want don't seem to be there (well not the ones I wanted anyway). The best way I've found to search is to enter an artist name eg 'beatles' and that will produce a number of results you can pick from. Also, if you're feeling adventurous, you could try eg 'night', 'love', 'man', 'sweet' etc etc to produce quite a number of random songs with those words in the title.

I think it's a brilliant idea and it's fascinating to watch the registration transfer to your keyboard but, as Arno said, there are some poor quality registrations.

However, there are also good ones. 'Come Fly With Me' from a Dutch uploader is particularly impressive!

Clavinova CVP-909, DGX-670

Jeremy Bender

I have the App but whilst it seems to see my Genos as an available instrument when I select a registration there is nothing else I can do to transfer it. No file is visible.

I didn't think you had to sign in to simply use registrations already made available. Does it just not work with the Genos yet?
Yamaha Genos, Korg Kronos 88, Yamaha MODX7, Korg M3, Korg Wavestation SR, Korg M3R, Korg MS20, MiniMoog Model D, Moog Voyager, Sequential Prophet 6, Roland D10, Roland JV1080, Roland Drumatix, EDP Wasp, Ableton 9


Yes you need to log in. From the Help:

By logging into Repertoire Cloud server, you can request a registration bank and you can also share your Registration Bank with other users.

Repertoire Finder uses Facebook as a means to log users in to the Repertoire Cloud server.

Before logging in this app, you need to set up your Facebook account in iOS Settings.

To log in first time, you need to allow this app to access your basic Facebook profile info. Although the standard iOS message asks about your friends as well, this app does not access your list of friends.

I assume Yamaha will eventually sort this out because Apple won't change their policy which I understand was made due to privacy concerns. All Yamaha needs to do is provide access via email, much in the way eg Spotify does if you don't want to log in via Facebook.

And, just to add, the option to set up your Facebook account in iOS Settings was removed in iOS11 (see link below).

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Clavinova CVP-909, DGX-670