Registration won't go off again! Help please

Started by Toril S, Dec 18, 2017, 11:09 AM

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Toril S

Hello friends :) I haven't managed the registrations yet. It seems that I always do something wrong. I tired to assign voices to the reg buttons, voices I could use with any style. Removed all the tics in the window except voice. But now the button that I assigned a voice is red all the time, and I can't change to another voice even when enabling OTS! I just want to press a button and call up a voice. Please help :) I turned of the keyboard, and then the button went green. But as soon as I pressed it again, it won't go off!
What I want to do is this:
I am playing a song, and want a voice that is not in the OTS for that particular style. So I assign the voice to a reg button. The problem is that when I press that button, I can't take it off again! I want to change betwen many voices while playing a song, and thought the regs were a great way to do this. But once I activate the reg, it stays on all the time! I had to delete the registration. Have tried several times, but I get the same result each time. I want to use the reg buttons as shortcuts to favorite voices! What do I do wrong?
Toril S

Genos, Tyros 5, PSR S975, PSR 2100
and PSR-47.
Former keyboards: PSR-S970.

Toril's PSR Performer Page


Mike Mixon from Keyboard America has a series of videos, this one looks like it addresses your question.

Fred Smith, who is a member of this forum, has a series of videos on YouTube explaining registrations. Here's a link to one of the videos, you should check out his channel. These videos were very helpful to me when I got my first kbd.

I've created many registrations with the OTS from from different styles. I just un-check the Style and Tempo check-boxes when I save. Now, when I want to use a style and and don't like the OTS voices, I can load these registrations and select from many professionally created instrumentations.




why don't you post the registration here and perhaps someone else could try it on another S-970 to see if they get the same result or can help shed any light on what the problem might be.


Fred Smith

Quote from: Toril S on Dec 18, 2017, 11:09 AM
I am playing a song, and want a voice that is not in the OTS for that particular style. So I assign the voice to a reg button. The problem is that when I press that button, I can't take it off again! I want to change betwen many voices while playing a song, and thought the regs were a great way to do this. But once I activate the reg, it stays on all the time!

Why do you want to "take off" the registration? All the registration does is load a voice. Once it's done its job, you can ignore the registration.

When you want to change the voice, change it any way you want -- load another registration, manually change the voice, load an OTS, etc. There's no need to "take off" a registration.

By the way, most people use either registrations, or the OTS, but not both. As you can see, using both systems can get confusing.

Fred Smith,
Saskatoon, SK
Sun Lakes, AZ
Genos, Bose L1 compacts, Finale 2015
Check out my Registration Lessons

Toril S

Hello Fred. No, that is the problem. When I press the button that have the registration, it won't go off again. Even if a change to another style. The keyboard is playing that voice only. That is not what I want. And videos don't work for me, I have almost no eyesight, so I need guidance in written form :)
I want to assign my eight favorite voices to the eight reg buttons. Then I want to activate and deactivate these voices whenever I want. I don't want them to get stuck. Maybe you are not suppose to do this?
Here is what I did. I found a voice, pressed memory and got the screen where I left mark only at voice. Then I pressed the reg 1 button. It turned red, and keyboard played the voice I had selected. But I could not turn it off again and select another voice without deleting the registration! I believed this is a rather simple way of using this complex feature, but it won't work...
Toril S

Genos, Tyros 5, PSR S975, PSR 2100
and PSR-47.
Former keyboards: PSR-S970.

Toril's PSR Performer Page


Hi Torril,

Did you activate/enable the OTS LINK button that is located on the left side of your S-970 right next to the ACMP button? When it is activated (led on) your OTS will change whenever you change from style to the OTS settings belonging to that style. If the button is NOT active the OTS will not change when you choose another style and thus the voice you saved in that registration will stay active.


Toril S

Hello Peter, and thank you! It seems that I must leave the OTS link off when I do the registration. Now it works, but there is some conflict with OTS if I turn it on to use both the registration and the OTS. For instance, I can't press the previous OTS button after I have pressed the reg with the voice, I have to choose another one for the voice to change.
Maybe this is normal, I am just finding my way with registrations, and finding it a little difficult! Never used them on my PSR 2100.
On the positive side, this keyboard will keep me busy learning for some time, and that is good :) I will also find out how I can modify styles so that they use other OTS settings then the default settings.

Toril S

Genos, Tyros 5, PSR S975, PSR 2100
and PSR-47.
Former keyboards: PSR-S970.

Toril's PSR Performer Page

Fred Smith


There is no such thing as "deactivate" a registration.

Once a voice is loaded, you need to load another one to "deactivate" it.


Fred Smith,
Saskatoon, SK
Sun Lakes, AZ
Genos, Bose L1 compacts, Finale 2015
Check out my Registration Lessons

Toril S

Thanks Fred :) I believed I could turn it off and on like any other light switch :) LOL!
Toril S

Genos, Tyros 5, PSR S975, PSR 2100
and PSR-47.
Former keyboards: PSR-S970.

Toril's PSR Performer Page


Hi Toril, it's not normal! I've a PSR S970 and i can use OTS and Registration at the same time; have-you the freeze button on? Check the freeze function if not you must try a reset when you switch on your keyboard, old on the last key on your ritght; or try some others registrations (some registrations for you to try) Hope this will help you!
I wish you a Merry Chrismas and happy new year, cheers Patrick

[attachment deleted by admin]

Fred Smith

Quote from: Patrick on Dec 19, 2017, 06:02 PM
Hi Toril, it's not normal! I've a PSR S970 and i can use OTS and Registration at the same time;


Toril knows he can use OTS and registrations. But what he wanted to do was load a voice through a registration, then unload it (ie, revert to the previous voice setting) by pressing the registration button again. This you cannot do.

Fred Smith,
Saskatoon, SK
Sun Lakes, AZ
Genos, Bose L1 compacts, Finale 2015
Check out my Registration Lessons

Toril S

Exactly, Fred :) And Patrick, thank you for the registrations. I will try them out :)
Toril S

Genos, Tyros 5, PSR S975, PSR 2100
and PSR-47.
Former keyboards: PSR-S970.

Toril's PSR Performer Page


Quote from: Fred Smith on Dec 19, 2017, 06:31 PM
Toril knows he can use OTS and registrations. But what he wanted to do was load a voice through a registration, then unload it (ie, revert to the previous voice setting) by pressing the registration button again. This you cannot do.

Hi Toril,

I didn't realise that you had undergone a sex change recently.  I hope that it wasn't too painful, and the scars are healing nicely!  ::)

Regarding your perceived problem, you can do what you want to do regarding a 'bank' of different voices for the right voice parts. 

It is just that you are not familiar with registrations and are confused by what you should see.  I very much doubt that there is anything wrong with your keyboard.   

As Fred has already said, all that a registration containing only Right main voices does is load them to the keyboard, just as if you had loaded them yourself manually.  However whether you use a registration or OTS to change a voice part, you can't simply turn it off and recover the previously loaded voice/s!

You can change the voice/s loaded by a registration at any time either manually or by pressing an OTS button (assuming that they are lit)!   

If a registration loads a voice to say R1, then if you change it manually, your newly selected voice is what will sound although this won't turn off the reg. button, which will  remain red!

This happens whether the OTS Link button is on or off!

When you select a registration it's button should turn to red (orange?).   If you then press an OTS button (that is lit), the registration button should turn back to green (or whatever it is on an S970), and the OTS button should turn red.   

If there is data memorised in the both the OTS and Registration buttons, then at any one time only one of these should be red, depending on which was pressed most recently.

If you press a lit (green) registration button when an OTS button is active (ie. red), then the voice memorised in the reg. memory should be loaded,  the reg. button should turn to red and the OTS button previously red should turn to green.

If you are using a style with no OTS included, then all the OTS buttons will be unlit and you will not be able to select an OTS button. 

This means that you will not be able to 'turn off' a single registration button in a bank, but you can still select a different voice for each voice part manually, or of course select other reg. buttons in the bank if you have memorised data to them.  Whatever Reg. or OTS button is lit red, if you select a voice manually, that is what will be used until you do something that changes it.

If you have the OTS link button turned on and you change the style Main section using the style section buttons, if the style contains OTS settings the OTS will also change to match the style section (eg. Main A, OTS 1, Main B, OTS 2 etc.), and will over-ride the current settings even if they have been made by a registration.  If you have previously selected a reg. memory this would have been lit red, but it will now change to green and the relevant OTS will turn red.

If you had turned off the OTS link button (note that the status of this button is never stored in a registration!), and then selected a registration which has only Voice details memorised within it and which changed the loaded R voices, if you then turn on the OTS Link button, just pressing the button of the currently active style part will not change the current main voice selections to those in the relevant OTS button memory.  These will only change if you select a different main style section!  This is something that happens on all PSR's/Tyros' as far as I know.  I think that this is logical but you can decide for yourself!

However if you select a different Main style section with the OTS Link button turned on, the associated OTS will activate, and the voices will change to  reflect what is in the OTS.  This will 'deselect' (if that is what you want to call it) the previous Reg. button, which will turn green.

I suggest that you devote some time to 'play around' with registrations to get a handle on how they work.  I would say that any time spent on this would be be time very well spent since registrations are so powerful, yet basically simple!

Just remember that there is no 'magic' involved, and that basically all registrations do is to provide 'shortcuts' which set up the keyboard exactly as it was when the reg. was memorised.





Your detailed reply saved my fingers from overheating while producing numerous typos :D I admire the way how you discretely handled Fred's gender bender while in the same time defending Torril's honor was awesome :) You ended my day handing me a honest big smile on my face.

I salute you sir while bringing my socks upstairs ;)





I can't speak for your socks, but mine usually need to be handled at arm's length, and definitely not brought upstairs!

BTW isn't it time that you were in bed?

Me too, come to think of it!

BTW please don't feel hurt by some of the recent silly 'happenings' on the forum.  There are many people including me who greatly appreciate your recent efforts, which I know were done with the best intentions.  I don't think that the 'style police' will be knocking on your door anytime soon!   



Toril S

Thank you Ian for the very detailed tutorial! Much appreciated! Thanks to Peter and Tyrosaurus also. The sex operation failed :) I am still a woman :)
Toril S

Genos, Tyros 5, PSR S975, PSR 2100
and PSR-47.
Former keyboards: PSR-S970.

Toril's PSR Performer Page