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CVP 705 headphone volume

Started by mikf, May 14, 2017, 06:55 PM

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I am finding that my new 705 has very low headphone volume. I have never experienced this before on any of my Yamaha keyboards. I tried other headphones but the result is the same so its clearly the keyboard. I suspect my keyboard has a faulty DAC on the headphone circuit, but thought I would ask if anyone else has a 705 ( or similar model) and  this problem.


I have a 605 and a 709 and the headphone output is much higher on the 605 than the newer model.

That can be a problem with some headphones. But my Sennheiser HD 650 gives enough volume on both models. On 605 my volumeknob is set at 12 o clock and to reach same listening volume on the 709 I have to turn the knob to almost 3 o clock.

The same applies when playing through speakers - have to dial the 709 to 3 o clock to reach comfortable level.

Tried a DAC via line out but did not get better sound but much more volume on CVP 709.


Your experience is the similar to mine because I also have a 605 and the 705 is quite different in headphone volume. On the 705 even full up is not that loud on the headphones whereas I normally only have internal speakers set about 12 - 2o clock. Since you experience something similar I suspect this is a design fault on the headphone DAC although mine seems a little worse than yours.
On the menu you can increase headphone volume quite dramatically by accessing the compressor settings and increasing gain slightly but unfortunately it also sends internal speaker volume sky high. So although it's a workaround it is not ideal.


Hi Mike, it had the same with cvp customers.
the professional headphones are often built in different impedance for optimal Volume on your Instrument.

So e.g. Beyerdynamic (german ) built her headphone in 32 Ohms 250 Ohms and 600 Ohms ..

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and if you have to low output your headphone has to much impedance ...

greetings frank
Genos and Tyros /PSR Support in Germany - Europe with more than
280 keyboardscouts helping in D-AT-CH-NL at your home!
Monday 18:30 (6:30 pm german time) Live tips on youtube


That might be the reason but to make the 700 series different to the 600 series seems strange.



I am using the AKG K-702 open-back dynamic headphone and have had similar problems on both T4 and T5 but not on the T1 and S900.
I solved it thru mixing console/CMP tab where I changed gain to +10 and saved that in a user setting and then to a registration. For line out to my focusrite and rokit studio speakers I set it back to 0 with teh same registration since otherwise it will oversteer very quickly.

I do not want another headphone since the AKG for me works perfect and the cheaper pre-amplifiers for headphones make all kinds of background humming noises if you're unlucky.





I don't think the headphones should be a mismatch as these are Yamaha and come with the keyboard as part of the package.


Quote from: mikf on May 14, 2017, 06:55 PM
I am finding that my new 705 has very low headphone volume. I have never experienced this before on any of my Yamaha keyboards. I tried other headphones but the result is the same so its clearly the keyboard. I suspect my keyboard has a faulty DAC on the headphone circuit, but thought I would ask if anyone else has a 705 ( or similar model) and  this problem.

Hi Mike,

I do not own a CVP-705, but I own a Genos and PSR-S970.  I know how to resolve your problem of default headphones volume being too low.

Yamaha is very conservative in the master compressor output of its recent products, leading to a misconception that the output of these products is weak.

To enjoy louder output for headphones / speakers, you have to adjust the "Gain" output of the "Master Compressor" as described on P.16 of CVP-709/CVP-705 Reference Manual.  The path is Menu -> Mixer -> Master -> Gain:

The default Master Compressor Gain of CVP-705 is +0, which is 'too low' for most owners.

On Genos, the range of Gain for Master Compressor is from 0 to 120, whereas on PSR-S970 is from -63 to +63.  I do not have a CVP-705, but I speculate that the range of its Gain for Master Compressor is similar to that of the PSR-S970.  You can increase the Master Compressor Gain value until you feel satisfied with the overall volume.  I would think that +30 is a good start.

Please bear in mind that the Master Compressor output is pre-Master Volume.  You can set the Master Volume of the CVP-705 to 12 o'clock position before tweaking the Master Compressor Gain level, and hit any of the 88 keys repeatedly while increasing the Gain value to test for your desired volume.  Then you save this to a User Master Compressor Type "User1".

You can download the CVP-709/CVP-705 Reference Manual here for more information:
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If you scan back up through my posts on this thread you will see that I already knew to use compressor setting as a workaround, but of course this also dramatically increases speaker volume. On previous models of CVP or PSR there was not this massive mismatch between headphone and speaker volume settings. Why has it suddenly been introduced on recent CVP models? I asked my dealer, who said it was probably a faulty headphone output board, or faulty headphones, and he sent his tech to check it out. But he found no faults, so concluded this is a basic design fault, and would pass it on. But after a year I heard nothing back. It's not a big problem, just a nuisance, and I wanted to find out from other CVP 700 series owners if they had noticed the same thing.
