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“Playlist” wish list

Started by Pauljones, Nov 30, 2017, 11:17 AM

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Music finder in the Tyros series has the facilities to sort by name, tempo etc. My wish is for playlist to have the same facilities, or at least sort by name.  Another one is to be able to search registrations in specific location rather then a global search.  Come on Santa  :P :P


High Paul

No need to wait for Santa.

Several ways you can achieve what you are after.

The Playlist is a very small file and does not take up any room.

You can make multiple copies and sort by different criteria.
You can move entries around by the UP and Down Arrows or
You can load the TSV File into a computer. Import the File into a spreadsheet as a CSV Files. Then do your sort and simply reserve the file. Change the Files extension to TSV and not CSV. 
It is very simple and quick to complete.
Now you have what you want.




Hi Santa Bill,

With 2000 lines, it'll be easier to use the 3rd method.  Will need more help/advice from you please.
I copied the .TSV file to computer, do I just change the extension to .CSV then open in excel? Or is there a way to convert the .tsv to .csv? 

Thanks in advance.



Quote from: Pauljones on Nov 30, 2017, 01:25 PM
Hi Santa Bill,

With 2000 lines, it'll be easier to use the 3rd method.  Will need more help/advice from you please.
I copied the .TSV file to computer, do I just change the extension to .CSV then open in excel? Or is there a way to convert the .tsv to .csv? 

Thanks in advance.


Hi Paul,

I copied a playlist and renamed that playlist filename from .TSV to .CSV.  Opened it, and found that most of them are just a one liner, with some of them being split into a few columns due to the space characters.

I am in the middle of fixing all rows all to one column, and then will sort them and saved the file and rename it with .TSV extension to see if Genos loads it properly.



Hi Paul,
I am using the Bonus playlist as an example, as it has the least number of songs.
See attached TSV file.
Open in Excel as CSV, sorted, save as TSV file.  Genos will not load it, just saying it has encountered errors.

[attachment deleted by admin]


Quote from: Pauljones on Nov 30, 2017, 02:16 PM
Hi Paul,
I am using the Bonus playlist as an example, as it has the least number of songs.
See attached TSV file.
Open in Excel as CSV, sorted, save as TSV file.  Genos will not load it, just saying it has encountered errors.

Hi Paul,

I used the bonus playlist to append it to the back of the Preset Example playlist, and saved it to "User_Examples.tsv", then renamed it to .csv on Windows, did some editing / sorting using Free WPS spreadsheet, saved it and renamed it back to .tsv.  When loading on my Genos, it complained that 1 item did not load successfully, but the rest of the playlist got loaded.  The sorted .tsv file somehow shows an extra " pre-pended to the song names in the playlist.

I loaded a few songs on the playlist and they recalled the stuff correctly and played correctly.

Here is the first screen of the sorted playlist:
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Here is the last screen of the sorted playlist:
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I also attached the zipped sorted playlist for you to unzip and test.


[attachment deleted by admin]


I found some double-byte characters on some of the song names.  I am editing them to see if I can get rid of the loading errors of the sorted playlist.



I replaced the special characters of some of the bonus playlist with normal characters, and got about 493 entries loaded properly in the attached zipped playlist file.


[attachment deleted by admin]


Hi Paul,

I can see all your files in playlist but when tried to load, it says file not found.  I am not worry about this, as my Genos may not have the reg. you have.  I am still having problem loading my own.   I am doing as you did :
    save tsv file to usb
    renamed .tsv to .csv
    sorted using Excel
    renamed to .tsv
it's all blank when check in playlist.


Quote from: Pauljones on Nov 30, 2017, 03:31 PM
Hi Paul,

I can see all your files in playlist but when tried to load, it says file not found.  I am not worry about this, as my Genos may not have the reg. you have.  I am still having problem loading my own.   I am doing as you did :
    save tsv file to usb
    renamed .tsv to .csv
    sorted using Excel
    renamed to .tsv
it's all blank when check in playlist.

Hi Paul,

Did you unzip the file first before you copied it to your USB stick?  The playlist is the result of the imported bonus playlist from Yamaha, so no customized registrations from me.

I press Playlist button, select "User", Genos showed me User, USB1, USB2, I picked USB2, and Genos found the playlist file "User_Example" on P2.  I selected the file, and it loaded with some warnings of some items were not loaded.  Then I found I still got 50 pages (493 songs) loaded.





Got all the pages and song titles, when try to load it says file not found.


Hi Paul,

You can also copy the file User_Examples.tsv to the root directory of your USB1 stick underneath Genos and try to see if it works for you.  It really depends on how you loaded your bonus playlist into which sub folder on where you saved your stuff.  I did mine using this steps:
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It's getting late, will try some other time.  Thanks Paul.


Hi Paul,

Need to pick your brain, please.
I copied the .tsv file and opened up in Excel.  Sorted, saved then rename it to .tsv again.  Always, only the first line is loaded, even with copying to usb1.



Quote from: Pauljones on Dec 07, 2017, 02:05 PM
Hi Paul,

Need to pick your brain, please.
I copied the .tsv file and opened up in Excel.  Sorted, saved then rename it to .tsv again.  Always, only the first line is loaded, even with copying to usb1.


I don't know why you want to open up my already sorted tsv file in Excel.  After unzipping that file, you just have to copy it directly to your USB stick and load it on your Genos.  You must have done something very differently on Excel.  I just used free WPS Spreadsheet program, not even Excel.

First page of sorted playlist on Genos:
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Last page of sorted playlist on Genos:
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Can you try loading the unzipped User_Examples.tsv I attached in this thread, without messing with it with Excel, and see for yourself whether it works or not?  If it works on mine, it should work on yours.  I tested the songs on the playlist and all of them worked.




The purpose of what I'm trying to do is to sort the playlist already loaded in Genos.


The purpose of me providing the sorted example playlist file for you to test is to illustrate that the process of sorting I provided works - it is better to see with your own eyes.

If you want, you can PM me your unsorted playlist file, and I will sort it to see if there is any problems in your unsorted playlist file.



Will do later.  I tried WPS as well.


I just read this thread and I'm with PaulJones, it would be a plus if the Playlist feature had the ability to sort by criteria like alphabetical,  by genre or by style.  It's not a show stopper but it would be a nice to have feature.


Quote from: zionip on Dec 07, 2017, 02:58 PM
The purpose of me providing the sorted example playlist file for you to test is to illustrate that the process of sorting I provided works - it is better to see with your own eyes.

If you want, you can PM me your unsorted playlist file, and I will sort it to see if there is any problems in your unsorted playlist file.


Is this something you could email me Paul as i just cant get a decent playlist that works?


Quote from: Mikey on Dec 08, 2017, 11:05 AM
Is this something you could email me Paul as i just cant get a decent playlist that works?
Hey Dumbo you can down load it from Yamaha i never use it i make my own Registrations






Quote from: Mikey on Dec 08, 2017, 11:05 AM
Is this something you could email me Paul as i just cant get a decent playlist that works?

Hi Mikey,

I resolved the sorting issue on the playlist file by sorting its contents on Linux, without going through Excel since .tsv file is essential equivalent to .csv file, which is text file in nature.

I tested the sorted playlist file, and the songs within this playlist file work great on my Genos - I installed the Yamaha provided bonus playlist on my Genos prior to this process.

If you have not installed the bonus playlist for Genos from Yamaha, you may find my post useful:
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I attached the working "User_Examples_sorted.tsv" as a zip file with this post.  Please download, unzip, and copy the User_Examples_sorted.tsv file to your USB stick.  You can then test the playlist on your Genos.

I also attached the screen capture of the first and the last pages of the sorted bonus playlist for your reference.


[attachment deleted by admin]


Great example thanks.

Now if i can work out how to add my own lol


this is soooooooooooooo easey ;D ;D ;D you will never be ready fur the morra yi want a tyros 5 ;D