Sorting and Auditioning Styles

Started by musicalmemoriesuk, Mar 30, 2018, 01:46 PM

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What system do you all use for sorting and auditioning styles ?

Toril S

Hello! I sort them in folders. What folders you want to sort them in is up to you.  Use the folder system that is most logical to you. If you play for an audience, it is sometimes difficult to remember witch style is suitable for the song. A tip from this forum is to make a "Gig folder." Rename the styles with the title of the song, and put "songstyles" in the folder. There are many costum made songstyles on this forum. Go to styles, and to Gig disks, and you will find many.  In addition I make a list where I write witch style I used for this and that song, so as not to forget the original name of the style. I also store the styles under their original names.
I believe there are as many methods of doing this as there are musicians. Some people create folders with e.g. Rock, Latin and so on.

Whatever you do, MAKE YOURSELF A SYSTEM!!! I learned the hard way that you are completely lost without some sensible way to sort your files. And make copies, so you don't lose anything.

Good luck  :)
Toril S

Genos, Tyros 5, PSR S975, PSR 2100
and PSR-47.
Former keyboards: PSR-S970.

Toril's PSR Performer Page


Hi musicalmemoriesuk,

First off you have to LISTEN to a style to determine if it is worth keeping. If it is, then decide where you will keep it .. in a folder on your USB stick.

The BEST styles to keep without listening to them first are the Yamaha styles that come from any of the other Keyboard's you don't own (CVP, PSR, Tyros and Genos styles). Keep these styles in their Yamaha categories folders.

Next you will find styles that come from special Yamaha Packs, you can either keep them on your USB as a pack, or place them in one of the Yamaha categories and/or divide them among the categories. I have over 1,800 different Yamaha styles that I have compiled in this manner. These are the styles that are the backbone of what I use to create my custom song styles.

Next are specific song style you will come across posted here at the form and other places. Those I place in a folder called "song styles" without listening to them. If I ever want to work up a custom style for that song, I can quickly look in this folder to find it. This is when I will listen to it and see if it is any good.

The third thing I have are two folders which contain gig disks from other PSR forum members who I feel play similar music as myself (Gary D. and Gerald). These two have compiled a lot of material that they have shared with us.

This system works for me as an efficient way to look though my styles to find the parts I need and want, which are needed to find when putting together  a custom song style.

I see that you are not yet a Supporting Member. If you choose to become a member using this link:

You will then have access to more of the PSR Forum and those Yamaha styles found in the older Yamaha keyboards and hundreds of PDF songbooks.  ;)



I provided you with an answer on the Synthzone forum.

Good luck,

Gary  8)
Love Those Yammies...