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Started by dillyboy, Oct 13, 2017, 07:30 AM

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Hi Everyone

I was reading through the Genos Manual and still am not sure about the Song Player, my question is, is the crossfade function just for 2 Midi files or can this be used for 2 audio songs?

It's nice to be nice.....

Fred Smith

Quote from: dillyboy on Oct 13, 2017, 07:30 AM
I was reading through the Genos Manual and still am not sure about the Song Player, my question is, is the crossfade function just for 2 Midi files or can this be used for 2 audio songs?

It can be used with 1 midi and 1 audio file, or 2 audio files. It can not be used with 2 midis.

Fred Smith,
Saskatoon, SK
Sun Lakes, AZ
Genos, Bose L1 compacts, Finale 2015
Check out my Registration Lessons



Thanks for that.

It's nice to be nice.....


Yamaha have devoted quite a lot of room on the panel for this crossfading but, as far as I'm aware, it's not shown off in any of the demo clips. What do people think of this feature, how might they use it?


Quote from: DerekA on Oct 13, 2017, 09:23 AM
Yamaha have devoted quite a lot of room on the panel for this crossfading but, as far as I'm aware, it's not shown off in any of the demo clips. What do people think of this feature, how might they use it?

I have the feature on pa4x
As a home player, i almost never use it



Quote from: DerekA on Oct 13, 2017, 09:23 AM
Yamaha have devoted quite a lot of room on the panel for this crossfading but, as far as I'm aware, it's not shown off in any of the demo clips.

For the cross fader on the Tyros 5, Yamaha made this short demo video.



Quote from: Fred Smith on Oct 13, 2017, 08:21 AM
It can be used with 1 midi and 1 audio file, or 2 audio files. It can not be used with 2 midis.

This is a shame. Why not two MIDI files? This could have been useful e.g. for a singer wanting to make a crossfade between two backing tracks.

Past keyboards: PSR E313, PSR E413, PSR E433, PSR S550, DGX 640, upright piano.
Now: DGX 650, Casio CT-X800.


Quote from: vbdx66 on Oct 13, 2017, 11:41 AM
This is a shame. Why not two MIDI files? This could have been useful e.g. for a singer wanting to make a crossfade between two backing tracks.


Well, there are only 16 midi channels for songs... using this feature for midi would require 32 midi channels for songs.. its that simple, the genos does not have the power to do so


Hope they do a update of the song player that it can do two midifiles
( korg,ketron,and Some midiplayers,have this function )
I love it when i play and sing i can jump from one song to another without pause and songmakers
In the songs make it even more flexibel

Kari V

Quote from: Bachus on Oct 13, 2017, 11:54 AM
Well, there are only 16 midi channels for songs... using this feature for midi would require 32 midi channels for songs.. its that simple, the genos does not have the power to do so

Might be more like a patent issue. Reading from the Korg Pa4x specs:

    Patented XDS Crossfade Dual Sequencer Player with X-Fader Balance control
    Supported formats: MID, KAR, MP3 + lyrics, MP3+G


Quote from: Ikspeel on Oct 13, 2017, 12:14 PM

( korg,ketron,and Some midiplayers,have this function )

Don't forgot that Yamaha can play at same time MIDI + Style. very usefool  options.
Korg,Ketron Etc Does NOT have this functions.

Curent Instruments:  PSR A-5000
Previus instruments:SX-900,GENOS,PSR-A3000,PSR9000,Tyros2,Tyros3,TYROS5,psr2000,psr2100,psr1500,psr530,psr OR700,DX7,DX11,V50,DX21.
KORG:pa800,KORG PA-900,Triton Extreme,Triton rack,.KORG X3,Roland G600.Roland


Real good function style + midi i love it the only thing i cant find out is when the midi stops the style also stops
It was handy when the style plays thil i press ending or stop



Quote from: Ikspeel on Oct 13, 2017, 12:48 PM
i cant find out is when the midi stops the style also stops

Make MIDI longer,,Go into Song creator and ""for example""   track 10 

Copy-Paste last note and change that last note to 999 Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login this case MIDI will finish normaly but Style will play .....
Curent Instruments:  PSR A-5000
Previus instruments:SX-900,GENOS,PSR-A3000,PSR9000,Tyros2,Tyros3,TYROS5,psr2000,psr2100,psr1500,psr530,psr OR700,DX7,DX11,V50,DX21.
KORG:pa800,KORG PA-900,Triton Extreme,Triton rack,.KORG X3,Roland G600.Roland


Quote from: metcam on Oct 13, 2017, 12:29 PM
Don't forgot that Yamaha can play at same time MIDI + Style. very usefool  options.
Korg,Ketron Etc Does NOT have this functions.


It is a powerful function syncing both a style and MIDI file at the same, that other brand arrangers cannot do. Not only that, the Tyros 5 and Genos allow a MIDI Song file, a style, and s Multipad/s to sync to a clocked tempo. Take it a step further, sync a MIDI file, style, and an audio multipad.

All my complex arrangements use this concept. Also unique that the synced style and Multipads are slave to the Tempo of the MIDI song file, yet the user has manual control over the Style Main Variations buttons, Fills, Breaks or manual styles endings or when the MIDI ends the style and multipad will stop. So basically as you use synchronization of a MIDI Song file (8 channels), Style (8 channels), Multipads (4 channels), and the use of your Left Hand, RH1,2,3 parts or channels, you are performing a complex 24 channel multi-timbrel performance that my Tyros 5 could easily handle with it's quality D/A output converters. Maybe the occasional note dropout as the 128 polyphony was stretched to the limit. Genos will have 256, issue solved.

This doesn't even touch the preset and manual control over a live performance. Since the style is slave to the tempo of the synced MIDI Song file, fluctuating tempo of your style is possible. When I compose a MIDI song composition (8 channel/parts in Sibelius Notation software) I can insert tempo markers embedded in the MIDI Song file as well as chords and lyrics which can be viewed in the Tyros 5 Score screen. After I import the MIDI Song file, I rework the voices and Mixing Console parameters and DSPs before saving in Song creator. When this MIDI Song file is synced to the custom style, the style follows or is slave the varying tempo of the MIDI Song file. No other arranger brand can do this.

Take it even a step further with Voice control. Each Style Main variation is linked to an OTS memory button slot. Not only that, each OTS save can have a different Multipad assigned to it. In other words, as I create my custom style, I program 4 voices (LH, RH1,2,3) into the the first OTS save slot which is link to a Style Main Variation and a Multipad bank (4 multipads). So in one custom Song/style I can program 4  (LH, RH1,2,3) voices X 4 for 16 different voices auto-controlled by the style Main Variation buttons, plus 4 Multipad banks X 4 voices and patterns for an additional 16 voice control over the other 16 voices for the total of 32 different voices per style. As these are called up automatically, I still have manual control over any style, OTS or Multipad button.

I use registration sound banks, so in addition to auto/manual control over 32 voices in a style (not including the voices or drum track in the style) I had immediate access to eight registration saves (with Freeze on) for another additional 8 buttons with 4 voices (LH, RH1,2,3)  or 8 X 4 equaling 32 voices. As as a complex 24 channel multi-timbrel performance plays with MIDI Song/Style/Multiupads synced together I have auto/manual control over 64 (LH, RH1,2,3) voices.

I'll take it a step even further, any Ensemble or Organ World voices can be saved into an OTS, which gets accessed automatically through the OTS Link. There is even more flexibility. If a Multipad is playing from the Multipad bank linked to OTS one for example, if OTS 2 is activated, a new Multipad Bank link can be accessed or programmed into that OTS, yet the original Multipad is still playing from the previous Multipad bank. So you can have overlap between two, three, or four different Multipad banks. No other arranger brand has this power. The Genos no doubtably will take power performance to the next level, especially for the "live" gigging player.



I gonna love my genos :) :)



It's nice to be nice.....

Lee Batchelor

MIDI files are convertible to Audio files. Perhaps Yamaha thought the extra steps (2 MIDI=>2 Audio) was easier than redesigning the cross fade function?
"Learn" your music correctly, then "practice" it. Don't practice mistakes because you'll learn them.


even DJs barely use the crossfader on a DJM... except for scracth and few more things... so, 2 midifiles and better options on sync between everything on genos would be great, but will see, when we get it on hands, how it flows... :-)


Quote from: Lee Batchelor on Oct 14, 2017, 07:20 AM
MIDI files are convertible to Audio files.


When playing two MIDI files, together they could max out the polyfony and you get dropped notes.

You avoid that by recording the MIDI file to an audio file and playing the latter.



Quote from: maartenb on Oct 23, 2017, 01:55 AM
When playing two MIDI files, together they could max out the polyfony and you get dropped notes.

Not only polyphony. They also share DSPs and parts/channels. The Tyros/Genos has 32 parts:

* 16 song
* 8 style
* 4 panel voices
* 4 multi pads

There ist no room for playing two songs at the same time. For this it would need 48 parts/channels in total.

(I heard the PA4X can play two midi songs at the same time. Don't know how that works.)

Yamaha Genos
Yamaha MODX7
Yamaha P-125 Digital Piano
Nord Electro 5D


I have a big problem with Genos. While playing a song, you can not dial the next song. Immediately starts playing the next song without a confirm entry, like Tyros or PSR S series. How to solve it?? Thank you for the info


This is the way it works now and I don't find it a problem in fact I prefer it when listening to songs as when one finishes I just tap the nest one. Very positive.


i just had this crazy idea to long on SONG A the GYPSY WOMAN Lyrics ... that famous song that featured the Korg M1 organ... i somehow guessed on how to sync it to the EDM Style I am using for the Rhythm... but sometimes it goes out of sync... any idea on how to make it sync to the style ?

Sounds quite difficult to do...