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Can I fix this ?

Started by Aussiejean, Aug 09, 2017, 07:07 AM

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I am trying to get on top of this complicated little machine, but have struck a problem. I have a PSR910, but am wanting to show a friend how this E453 works as she is new to keyboards. I have worked through the basics, and thought I would see if I could copy a style from my 910 as stated on page 67 of the manual. I inserted the USB stick, pressed  the function button  and followed the directions  and thought I loaded the style into 221 but it says no file. Now The function button will not go off LOAD STYLE. I have done a factory reset, but no change, Big Panic, as it is not my machine. If I press the + button it says No File. Any help appreciated thanks.  Jean :'( :'(


Did you remove the USB stick and then do the factory reset?


! cant remember, Drake, but probably not. I have tried using the numbers to enter other functions, but it still says NO File. Jean


My gut feeling is that it isn't showing the style file you'd saved because that style file isn't usable for one reason or other.

(1) Only SFF1 style files can be used, so if the style file you'd saved is SFF2 you'll need to use a utility to convert it to SFF1.

(2) There is a size limit of approximately 50K (IIRC)-- the exact number of bytes varies from model to model based on the size of its system memory and how much of that space is allocated for various things, such as the registrations. If the style file you'd saved is larger than about 50K, you'll need to see if there's any way to reduce its size, such as by removing any sections that aren't usable, such as the C and D variations of the different sections.

There might be other possible issues, but I think those are the two to watch out for. Of course, the voices and effects in the style will probably need to be adjusted to select ones that are available on the PSR-E453.

In any case, I doubt if you've damaged the keyboard's memory, but you definitely want to follow proper safety precautions about inserting and removing USB sticks, as well as not turning off the keyboard while it's writing data.

You can use Jorgen Sorensen's utilities to convert from SFF2 to SFF1, to remove any unusable sections, and to edit the voices.


Thanks for helping Seagruff. I have not got the experience to alter the style as you suggest. I don't particularly want that style, it was just to see if the 453 would load a style from my 910. It was one of Elaines. Is there any way to normalise the function button, not worrying about altering the style. It is not moving from the LOAD STYLE display,  neither by  the yes/no buttons or the data wheel,   except to say NO FILE The style and voice buttons pattern and song display are working normally. Would loading a safe style help, as it seems to be waiting for the style??? I'm pretty sure I took the USB  stick out. Jean.


The "Load STY" function is the first option listed under the FILE CONTROL menu, so it may just be that you don't know how to navigate to the other options. This is done using the two CATEGORY buttons. If you can use those buttons to advance to the "Load USR" function or go backward to the "Exit?" option, then most likely there's no problem and you have nothing to worry about. The "no file" message just means the keyboard can't find a usable style file on the USB thumb drive.

The USB thumb drive might actually have dozens of files on it-- MIDI song files, PDF sheet music, etc.-- so the "no file" message is just for the "Load STY" function that is currently selected.

I forgot one other major requirement, which is that the style files must have a file extension of ".STY" or the keyboard will ignore them.

If you want to attach the style file you're trying to test with, I can convert it for you and make sure it will load and play on my PSR-E443. :)


I'm such a dummy. Thanks Seagruff, problem solved. I have been rotating the disk, pressing + and - buttons. I must have read Category, but didn't sink in. All the styles on my 910 have 4 variations so I guess none of them will work without changing them as suggested. I don't particularly want that style, so don't worry about changing it for me - it was just an experiment. Thank you all the same and also for your help.  Until we understand the instrument thoroughly we will just use the presets in the E453. I don't understand how to ensure that the style has the right "code"? after it. That's probably where I should start. Early night tonight to make up for lost sleep ::)


Don't worry about the CATEGORY buttons-- I frequently try to use the "+" and "-" keys on the number keypad to navigate through the Function menu on my PSR-E models, then remember (after it doesn't work) that I should be using the CATEGORY buttons instead. :) If you don't have a copy of the Owner's Manual then you shouldn't be expected to know that, unless you had prior experience with a PSR-E model.

Regarding the styles, it isn't the 4 variations that are the problem-- you can use 4-variation styles on the PSR-E models as long as they're SFF1 files. If you want to try some external files with your friend's keyboard, I think there are several SFF1 files available on the main PSR Tutorial page-- probably under the PSR-730 or something similar. The description on the download page should indicate whether the files are SFF1 or SFF2, as well as-- in the case of SFF1 files-- whether they're 4-variation or 2-variation styles. Just make sure you use SFF1 files, no larger than about 50K, with the STY file extension, and most likely they should work.


Seagruff -Thanks for the info,. Between the two of us we will prevail !! Jean.


Just a little post script as to how I am getting on. I should have mentioned in my very first post  that I had taken the USB stick out - so it wouldn't go off LOAD STYLE. Light suddenly dawned and I put the stick back in and found the EXIT. Daa-----! I have read all the posts on the forum and it is good to know that the other keyboards work in a similar fashion, I notice that STRUGGLERS post has been read 3386 times. I think I am responsible for the 86. I am quite familiar with the 453 now except for all the USB functions. My friend is a generation behind me and is quite computer savvy. She is overseas at the moment , home tomorrow and expecting me to know everything about this keyboard. I have put a lot of registrations into the memories and altered the volumes and made other adjustments I just want to make sure I am saving them properly. We will have a USB day later in the week, and hope to make good progress. Thank you Michael and Roger for all the help, every little bit of information is so helpful. Jean.



I spoke too soon. Now I am back to only getting Load style or Exit reguardless of whether there is a stick in or not. The category buttons will only go to the two options. Because it has worked intermittently, I thought it was me, but now I think the function button is faulty. Every thing else works, but now I cant adjust any registration memories as I cant access the functions.I think I will have to take it back to the service people which means a trip to Melbourne. Love my 910 !!!Jean.


The FUNCTION button isn't supposed to go to the FILE CONTROL menu unless it's held down for a second or two, so if you can't get to the FUNCTION menu by just pressing and quickly releasing the FUNCTION button then perhaps it is indeed faulty? If it's a new keyboard, it might be better for the owner to just have it replaced rather than repaired, but I guess that will depend on how long ago she bought it and what the shop decides to do? In any case, if it's still under warranty then they shouldn't charge anything for the repair-- and a faulty button wouldn't be caused by trying to access a USB thumb drive, so it was probably faulty or close to failing before you ever touched it.


Thanks for the reply, Michael. Its a new keyboard, still under guarantee, so  we will return it. It has kicked in again now so I am getting a few more registration memories in before it relapses. I will let you know how it all goes. Jean.


It sounds like the FUNCTION/FILE CONTROL button is unpredictable, so it would probably be best to exchange it for a new, non-buggy one.

By the way, after you set up and save some Registrations for your friend, you can save everything as a User file ("Save USR" in the FILE CONTROL menu). The User File will contain the User Songs that were recorded, the Registrations that were saved, and the User Styles that were loaded to the expansion style numbers. Then you can load the User File into the replacement keyboard and you won't have to set everything up again from scratch. :)


Yes, I have done that Michael, so I hope it all worked. It seems to be more reliable with the USB Thanks again. Jean.


The keyboard is O.K. Its the user that needs new parts. I was not using the function button correctly. So stupid. Jean.


Quote from: Aussiejean on Aug 09, 2017, 07:07 AM
I am trying to get on top of this complicated little machine, but have struck a problem. I have a PSR910, but am wanting to show a friend how this E453 works as she is new to keyboards. I have worked through the basics, and thought I would see if I could copy a style from my 910 as stated on page 67 of the manual. I inserted the USB stick, pressed  the function button  and followed the directions  and thought I loaded the style into 221 but it says no file. Now The function button will not go off LOAD STYLE. I have done a factory reset, but no change, Big Panic, as it is not my machine. If I press the + button it says No File. Any help appreciated thanks.  Jean :'( :'(

Did you manage to fix the problem??
As I'm trying to do the same Style load,
Don't wanna have the same issue
Norman Fernandez Keyboardplayer

PSR S770 - Roland FP 30 - PSR 280
Cubase - Kontakt6


Apparently there was no problem with the keyboard after all, and Jean was not using the FUNCTION button correctly. The way the Function and File Control menus work can be a little tricky to get used to, due to little things such as the way the button which was lit up may go out and a different one may light up, you must use the CATEGORY buttons to step backward or forward through the menu choices, there is no EXIT button for getting out of the menus, etc.

If you run into any problems, post here and we'll help you figure it out! :)


Quote from: SeaGtGruff on Feb 16, 2018, 08:42 AM
Apparently there was no problem with the keyboard after all, and Jean was not using the FUNCTION button correctly. The way the Function and File Control menus work can be a little tricky to get used to, due to little things such as the way the button which was lit up may go out and a different one may light up, you must use the CATEGORY buttons to step backward or forward through the menu choices, there is no EXIT button for getting out of the menus, etc.

If you run into any problems, post here and we'll help you figure it out! :)
The Problem is
It's a Old Keyboard, PSR I425
I want to safely add a Style
Also " Style Player Doesn't seem to Install"
Please help me  :(
Norman Fernandez Keyboardplayer

PSR S770 - Roland FP 30 - PSR 280
Cubase - Kontakt6


The PSR-I425 lets you load a single User Style, which will be Style Number 163.

(1) The style file must be a SFF1 style file. If you have a SFF2 style file that you want to use, convert it to a SFF1 style file using Jørgen Sørensen's "Style Old Format Converter" program (Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login).

(2) The style file must not be too large. I'm not certain, but I think the maximum size might be 31,118 bytes, or roughly 30.3 kB. If you have a style file that's larger than 31,118 bytes, you'll need to reduce its size somehow. The first thing to try would be to remove any unusable style sections using Jørgen Sørensen's "Style Remixer" program (Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login). The following sections are the only ones which are usable, so you can either remove any unusable sections, or if you like them better you can move them to the these sections:
- Intro A
- Intro B
- Main A
- Main B
- Fill In AB *
- Fill In BA *
- Ending A
- Ending B
* The style file can also contain the "Fill In AA" and "Fill In BB" sections, but the panel controls allow you to trigger only two of the four possible "Fill In" sections-- either "Fill In AA" or "Fill In AB" (but not both), plus either "Fill In BA" or "Fill In BB" (but not both). When playing a "Fill In" the panel displays either "Fill A>B" or "Fill B>A" (even if the style file is actually playing "Fill In AA" or "Fill In BB"), so I think it's less confusing to just use the "Fill In AB" and "Fill In BA" sections.

(3) The style file must have the ".STY" file name extension. If the style file's name has a different extension, rename it so that it has the ".STY" extension.

(4) You may also want to use some of Jørgen Sørensen's other programs on the style file, such as "Style Revoicer" (Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login).

(5) The PSR-I425 does not have a port for attaching a USB flash drive, so you will need to transfer the style file to the keyboard's internal memory using Yamaha's "Musicsoft Downloader" program (Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login). If you're using an iPad, iPhone, or iPod touch, use Yamaha's "MusicSoft Manager" app (available in the App Store).

(6) After the style file has been transferred to the keyboard's internal memory, follow the instructions on page 74 of the PSR-I425 Owner's Manual to load it as Style Number 163.

If you experience a problem with these procedures, let me know which step it is and what the symptoms are so I can try to help.